
I've been thinking about the 'thinking' laces and I suppose that what I love 
about lace making is the fact that I can do it if I want to drift and make 
lace (simple tape or simple torchon) or I can become engrossed if I want to make 
lace (such as floral bucks et al).

Other half asked, when we had only been together for a few months, why I had 
so many pillows and bobbins on the go and I simply replied that I ahve a piece 
of lace available for whatever mood or difficulty that I felt like doing.  

There were the practical reasons such as a smaller pillow for travelling and 
demonstrating, but the fun one's such as making on my 24" pillow or doing 
honiton.  For me, honiton is not difficult - it is merely time consuming and 
requires concentration for the sewings.  However, floral bucks is more demanding 
because of the need to watch and interpretate the pattern.

Each piece has a different appeal and quite simply THAT'S WHY I MAKE LACE!!!! 


Liz Beecher
I'm <A HREF="http://journals.aol.com/thelacebee/thelacebee";>blogging</A> now - see 
what it's all about

In a message dated 09/09/2003 23:06:28 GMT Daylight Time, 

> Subj: [lace] Re: Thinking person's lace - what about Binche? 
>  Date: 09/09/2003 23:06:28 GMT Daylight Time
>  Sent from the Internet 
> Several of us seem agreed that many bobbin laces,
> certainly floral Beds, and some of us (at least me)
> floral Bucks, are for "thinking" persons, what about
> Binche?  <snipped>

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