.... I needed to come
> out and let you all know about the wonderful time
> that was had by all at the
> first "Lace at Sweet Briar", in Virginia this past
> week.
After finally wending my way home across the country,
I should add my little bit.

I took Elizabeth's class, and we had a lot of fun. We
had an antique dealer and two embroiderers, as well as
lacemakers, so we had a wide variety of viewpoints. 
The old lace -- both the Barber-Connin collection and
the private collections the attendees brought -- were
fascintating to study.  

We had so much of it that we wanted the other classes
to see it also, so we set up a lace exhibit on
Thursday evening which was well attended.  Just after
everyone had taken a look, and the lacing classes went
back to their pillows, a thunder/lightning/rain storm
hit and took out the lights to the exhibit area.  The
lacing classes still had light, so they just continued
on, but the study group closed the exhibit.

Michael told me the name of my Binche handkerchief
pattern, and gave me a 5 minute lesson on Binche
patterns.  I peeked into his classroom a couple times
a day to see what everyone was working on.

The sales room was well attended.  I spent more than I
had planned to...but that always happens. <G>  Some of
the new books were irresistible.

The facilities are great, and the food very good.  The
campus is beautiful, and very large -- 3200 acres.  It
used to be a plantation.  The museum is small and has
varied things in it.

It was a fun week.  Look for information on next
year's retreat later in the year.  It's worth
considering in your summer schedule.

Alice in Oregon -- still recovering after that long
flight home, arriving at midnight last night

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