Dear Nancy,
I would add to your email about using a camera - if people decide to start
using their cameras whether they are on their phone, SLR or point and shoot
camera it is imperative that you know how to use your camera before the lace
event.  Or any other event. Take the time to experiment with your camera so if
the lighting is low and you can’t use a flash what do you do to take the
best possible picture.  Learn how far away you must be from the subject to
effectively use a zoom lens and so on.  You will take much better pictures and
be way less frustrated.
There are many classes available on the internet depending on what type of
camera you use.  Some are free, some cost a little, then again you can pay
hundreds for a class.
Year ago we visited the Yuma Territorial Prison and saw the crochet lace one
of the prisoners made back in the late 1800’s.  Low light, behind glass, no
flash, etc.  I still got some pretty good pictures.  By the way the lace is
wonderful!  Here is a link you might find interesting.

Best regards,
Carol Melton
West of Phoenix, AZ USA

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