Hi Jackie,

If you agree that Judge Wright's decision was correctly rendered, you have
to agree with the premise.  You can, of course, agree with the decision and
damn the reasoning but that is entirely different.  Judge Wright's decision
has been praised rather than damned by those who support it.

Judge Wright decided that conduct described by Paula Jones was not
outrageous.  She did not decide whether it was true or not and prevented any
such finding.

Your arguments about the evidence of Clinton's conduct are beside the point.
If Judge Wright's decision stands, no court will ever hear the evidence
because it was only naughty but not an actionable tort.

>Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
>> Hi Jackie,
>> Good Judge Wright did not base her decision on the law.  Judge Wright based
>> her decision on her own prejudices.  She believes that a male employer
>> showing his manhood to a female employee and telling her to kiss it does not
>> constitute conduct outrageous enough to constitute an actionable tort.  That
>> is what she said in her decision.  The law in no way describes what an
>> outrageous act is.  Judge Wright determined that.
>> Do you agree?
>> Best,     Terry
>Hi Terry
>ROTF--agree to a silly statement like that.  You must be kidding, right!!
She read
>all the material and Paula's lawyers did not provide enough evidence.  Why
is it
>that if a judge doesn't render a decision favorable to what people's biases
>then he/she didn't do the job right.  If it had gone the other way, these same
>people would be saying "what a great judge."  But of course, I am still
trying to
>figure out how he blocked the door with his arm across it and still manged
to get
>his hands up her culottes to grab her??  All that acrobatic gyrations ole
Bill was
>going through and she never moved??  But she passed a lie detector--LOL.
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>In the sociology room the children learn
>that even dreams are colored by your perspective
>I toss and turn all night.    Theresa Burns, "The Sociology Room"
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Best,     Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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