On 3/4/2012 5:26 μμ, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:
2012/4/3 Mattias Gaertner<nc-gaert...@netcologne.de>:
Having an offline would be nice, but it is not a blocker for 1.0.

The way I understand it offline help for the RTL, FCL and LCL already
works. LHelp shows when pressing F1.

Surely there are some issues, and missing features, but that's
different from not working at all. Or I am missing something?

Not by default. You need to install the documentation, a documentation viewer and some package. The viewer is built the first time is needed, but after a bit of wait all you get is a dialog telling you to "put the chm files in some directory" without information about what these chm files are or where to find them.

In any case, 1.0 is just a number. I disagree about the PR part, currently Lazarus is far from polished, but the world has seen worse. Delphi might had better documentation in its first releases but it wasn't as stable for example.

Kostas "Bad Sector" Michalopoulos

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