On 29/01/2008, Lee Jenkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Will fpGUI/LCL still support theming later when theming is implemented?

To be honest, I'm not sure how it's going to work. I still need to do
a lot of work on theming support in fpGUI and I don't know what the
other LCL widgetsets do in such a case? I would guess fpGUI would
loose some of it's features when used as LCL-fpGUI widgetset - or
maybe I just don't understand the LCL backend fully.  Could others
comment here?

> The POS portion however, is like night and day.  Not just because navigation 
> is
> primarily through touch screen taps, but in terms of the UI itself which I 
> think
> any programmer would be hard pressed to guess which language it was written in

We also have an application in our suite of software that has a very
unique interface because it always runs fullscreen (kiosk mode). We
haven't ported that to fpGUI yet, because it uses Flash OCX for the
main part of the screen. I still need to complete the Mozilla Plugin
Panel component [*1] before we can port that app, but it will be done.

[*1]:  http://opensoft.homeip.net/wiki/wiki.cgi?p=mozilla-plugin-panel

> TImage descendents.  This was especially important in a POS app where the UI
> really has to "snap" and keep up with the users who eventually operate the POS
> blindfolded.

fpGUI uses double buffering for all painting (GDI and X11). It's
pretty good, but I am sure it can be tweaked for even better

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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