On 22/01/2008, Giuliano Colla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well in all that time I've never met a single customer requiring a
> "native look". On the contrary what I've always been asked for is a
> "specific" look, and "specific" behavior.

Amazingly, I have had the exact same experience.  They want their
product to stand out and not blend in and be unnoticed. Corporate
colors in the application is also a big hit (and where LCL fell over).

I only develop commercial applications with Lazarus and from judging
by all these conversations, it seems like we are the only two. Also we
seem to experience the same issues - coincidence?

What does everyone else use Lazarus for? Console apps maybe?

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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