On Tue, 22 Jan 2008, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

> On 22/01/2008, Giuliano Colla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Well in all that time I've never met a single customer requiring a
> > "native look". On the contrary what I've always been asked for is a
> > "specific" look, and "specific" behavior.
> Amazingly, I have had the exact same experience.  They want their
> product to stand out and not blend in and be unnoticed. Corporate
> colors in the application is also a big hit (and where LCL fell over).

Well, I develop major database projects (in Delphi), and none of our
customers has ever asked for a specific look. So I would be the last 
to ask this from lazarus. The thing I am looking for is portability.

Most of our users hardly understand windows, let alone that they would 
require a specific (and hence more confusing) look for our application. 

By keeping it close to the windows standards, we make the application
less frightful for them. And we have many thousands of such users.

As in all things, it is dangerous to generalize your own experience.


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