> From what I can see the next steps to get an actual wiki up and running
> would be:
> - Assemble a team of volunteers to maintain the wiki

Let me be the first to offer my services as wiki admin to LEDE as I did to
ssh root access would be helpful. At least I need access to 

Access to daily backup with easy playback script would be helpful (just in

> - Among those volunteers who want to work on the wiki, decide on a
>   software / markup flavor

Reading through this thread, I see
 - some support for Dokuwiki, with the main advantages: 1) we know it is
working, 2) there is an experienced admin with in-depth knowledge of the ToH
 - no reasons against Dokuwiki
 - some notes to avoid MoinMoin
 - some mentiones of Twiki, but no good reasons to switch to it
 - some mentions of Mediawiki

To get things going, and since there is no obvious reason to switch the wiki
software, I advise to setup a Dokuwiki, if no one else has good reasons
against it. Please slow me down in case I'm going too fast.

> - Setup the chosen wiki software - we can use LEDE's donated Digital
>   Ocean resources to setup production and test instances

Very good point: Test instances!
I did this with my "demowiki" on a raspberry pi, but having a dedicated test
instance or even better clone of the productive wiki would be really great.

Looking forward to build a wiki from ground up.

Oh, what is really needed for this build: Discussion between the volunteers,
either via mailing list, or via forum. I'd prefer the latter, since it's
easier to access for the standard user than a mailing list.


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