> Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2017 11:05:16 -0700
> From: Simon Michael <si...@joyful.com>
> On 4/13/17 6:39 AM, Antoine Beaupre wrote:
> > But I can't imagine running 100 transactions per day in ledger-cli. I
> > can't think of how I would allow for multiple to add transactions
> > simultaneously. Git? I already have merge conflicts with myself, and
> > they are not fun...
> Interesting discussion. On the above point, purely from a technical 
> perspective, aren't transactions just a file append ? We have a number 
> of curses and web UIs which can add transactions, 10000 a day shouldn't 
> be a problem and no Git required.

If you're considering multiple Unix processes trying to append to a
file simultaneously, that doesn't work very well unless they
voluntarily cooperate with a file lock.

If you have multiple users appending to their local copies and
committing to Git, so that there is an audit trail for every change to
the ledger, then they will get conflicts when they try to merge into a
central repository.

In both cases, you can work around this by having each process/user
edit their own private files, and then `merge' them by including them
in a common ledger file.

Might be nice if ledger could also do `include *.ledger' or something;
then you could use a separate file per transaction or group of
transactions without having to specify it up front.  But there's no
globbing in `include'.


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