On 04 Jun 2014 05:55, JV Leavitt wrote:

> It's too bad we are not allowed to send screen shot images with our emails
> here.  I'm just now looking in at this thread, but suspect that a screen
> image showing the problem might have brought a better response to your
> inquiry.

In a lot of cases this is true, but in this particular case, I don't think an
image would help. It's like trying to prove a negative. How can an image show
that a mouse click has failed?

Rather than clutter the list up with images - remember, everyone gets to see
everything - why can't someone at Support set up a Dropbox-like address to which
every registered use is subscribed. Then the complainant could take a
screen-shot (no stupid single-page Word documents with a picture on them) and
upload it. Those interested can then retrieve the image and comment as usual.
The chosen are needs some management to clean out those images that are no
longer relevant.

Regards, Mike Fry

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