Am 18.02.2013 10:27, schrieb Markus Hoenicka:
>> Classic does not require this step, but it doesn't work either. I'm
>> sure that I miss some critical step in the procedure. What about
>> accounts: do you run your queries from a regular user account? root?
>> firebird? Also, where do you create databases? What are the
>> permissions of that directory, and who owns it? Do you use localhost
>> in the database specifier, do you use any other host information, or
>> none at all?

Hi again,

the server is full funktional, i connect via network with normal user 
accound. the used
table is public ownership. the directory of the database file must own 
by firebird:firebird
and have rw pemissions.

btw. i can setup an testserver for you!


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