If my understanding of Mozilla's description of the vulnerability is


Users who are on the latest version of Firefox (version 22) or Firefox ESR
> (version 17.0.7) are not at risk. If a user is running an outdated of
> Firefox, then this vulnerability could be used by an attacker to execute
> malicious software on a victim’s machine. Mozilla has been alerted that
> this issue is being actively exploited in the wild and urges all users to
> make sure their Firefox is up to date.

Then what happened could have happened to any ISP on hidden services or
not.  A browser connected to the ISP, used a browser vulnerability to
infect the host server, and proceeded from there to do whatever to the
hosting complex at the hidden service site.

They were hacked.  They got pwned.  And apparently, they had no measures in
place to have noticed that it was happening, in terms of image monitoring
and so on -- although admittedly we are talking about a state-level
opponent.  They could have been rootkitted straight off, and the opponent
had their way with them and so on.

However, my understanding is that this vulnerability -- did I hear
somewhere? -- is to windows hosting.  Now maybe it's me, and I'm old
fashioned, but I still think of that as more vulnerable, but I've been out
of the field for a while.


This has nothing to do with Tor or Tor hidden services.  It could have
happened on the open internet with an apache server with the same version
of Mozilla.  Or am I misunderstanding something?

So, essentially, Mozilla was used as the Trojan Horse to insert the payload
into the servers.  It wouldn't have made a difference at all if they were
hidden or not, only that they were using web services and allowing any
version of Mozilla to attach.


Shava Nerad
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