Leah Rowe <i...@gluglug.org.uk> writes:

> Hi,
> The Free Software Foundation recently fired  a transgendered employee of
> the FSF, just for being trans, because some transphobic cissexist people
> wrote negativly about her. The FSF fired her because they thougdt she,
> rather than the assholes bullying her, was causing the FSF potential
> damage. As a result, she was fired from the FSF.
> As a trans person myself, I find this disgusting.
> I'm declaring here and now to the whole world that Libreboot is no
> longer part of the GNU project. I do not believe that the FSF or the GNU
> project deserve to exist.
> Please remove libreboot from the GNU mailing list infrastracture, and
> GNU Savannah admins please delete the "lr" account. I own libreboot.org
> and I have the ability to create my own mailing lists for the libreboot
> project. I do not wish to use the GNU/nonGNU mailing lists anymore.
> Libreboot is not part of GNU or FSF anymore. I hereby denounce both GNU
> and FSF.
> Long live the LGBT community, and long live the free software movement.
> Meanwhile, FSF and GNU can both go fuck themselves.

I'm very sad to read this on many different levels. First and foremost,
I'm sad for the state of affairs you describe and the pain and
frustration that no it doubt caused and in causing now. I'm also sad for
libreboot not to be a part of the GNU project; I'm writing this on a
Librebooted laptop that is running GNU software.

But as an FSF volunteer and a GNU maintainer, I'm also sad to see all
FSF employees, volunteers, and GNU maintainers being blamed
collectively. I don't agree with collective punishment, and don't think
that it is ever the right choice.

I'm not anyone important and I don't have solutions, but if there is
something I can do please feel free to write to me on this list or

   "Cut your own wood and it will warm you twice"

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