Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 10:29:08 -0000
From: "Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] MSIE 5.0 and up with W98 on L70?


>Are you using IE v5.0 or v5.5?  I'm just remembering that I installed v5.0 
>on a system, had no problems, then upgraded to v5.5 and had some hectic 
>problems.  It was months ago, and my poor memory can't come up with wat the 

IE 5.00.2614.3500CO on Win 98 4.10.2222 A

>I'm using IE version on Win 95 4.00.950b.

It's a good job PCs like numbers :-)

>Actually I'm surfing very little with my Libretto. I'm only able to
>connect it with an old analog modem (which means pay-by-second) and I
>mainly use my desktop machine with a cable connection.

I've a V34 PCMCIA modem in mine, but luckily have an 0800 connection to my ISP.

Regards - Keith

Dartford Kent UK
Fax -  +1 561 8280311

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