The tutorials on liftweb website is a good starting point.
The definite guide liftweb book is a good resource if you need something
that is more thorough and organized.
Online presentations is a quick way to get start and learn the concept.

On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 9:14 AM, eric cs <> wrote:

> Guys,
> Thank you very much for all your answers.
> Having a community like that, I know is half way there for anyone.
> I am very very very eager to learn, that's my number one priorite
> right now and the e-commerce is an example to work with some real
> application and apply logic and a database to learn how put the
> classes together.
> It's not a hobbie I found another passion in my life besides my wife,
> my dog, my music and it's web programming.
> I like it all since css,ajax to actionscript to back side languages
> and the logic behind it.That's why I quit Civil Engineering and move
> to Computer Science years ago, but some stuff happens yada,yada.yada,
> here I am several years later trying to learn again.
> I feel better and more prepared than before and without distractions.
> I said a month but I have all the time in my hands right now so it
> could be until 2010 if necessary, full time. I wish I could work doing
> something like this sometime.
> Before I even learn scala, I have to get the logic how to create an
> app first in my head, like which items would an object and they will
> related to each other then to a database,it's not about create a
> simple program only,abstract,it's about how to put all little
> programns together to create something, in this case could be an e-
> commerce.Then I could learn the advanced concepts of Scala, functional
> programming and stuff like that.
> Maybe an e-commerce has a lot of logic involved is a good start to get
> my head around programming web apps with that example.
> I don't know if you guys understand what I meant,what I need to learn
> first, but even a book that explains that would be good, I read some
> books about design patterns and stuff but none of them applied in a
> real application.
> It's not even regular regular programming logic, I need to learn like
> how a put a app in a modular way, one thing on top of eachother, I
> don't know it that's the way to think about that, how classes will
> interact with eachother,Interfaces.
> Anyway, keep your advices coming and in case you know a book that
> explains that would be awesome.
> Thanks again.
> wat
> On Jul 6, 6:01 am, Eric Bowman <> wrote:
> > To this I would add:
> >
> > The way to learn to program, is to program.  It takes a lot of time, and
> > a lot of hard work.  Reading books is good, and necessary, but it's not
> > enough.
> >
> > Also, Lift really uses Scala to the max, so if you only have 30 days, I
> > would plan to spend the first half just becoming good at Scala.  Which
> > will take longer than 15 days!
> >
> > Anyhow, being a "guru" is a life ambition.  It takes time, time, time
> > and more time.  All your time.  A history of "unfinished" is going to
> > work against you -- this will take serious dedication and
> stick-to-it-ness.
> >
> > An insightful view from Google's Director of Research:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Naftoli Gugenhem wrote:
> > > I would say that the main advantage knowledge of Java over a similar
> language gives you is knowledge of the Java environment and system, but you
> can pick that up via scala too.
> > > As far as turning theory into actual programming, my personal advice is
> to take one small sample, get it running, and then ask yourself questions
> like "Why does it do this?" and "What if I change this." Once you have a
> thorough understanding of how the sample accomplishes what it was supposed
> to accomplish, and how all the parts contribute to that, repeat with another
> one. Along the way ask yourself, "What if I want the computer to do xyz
> (similar to sample x)?" Also, play around in the interpreter trying
> different permutations.
> > > Of course, it goes without saying to read the books and articles, not
> to mention to ask all your questions on the scala-user list.
> > > Enjoy!
> >
> > > -------------------------------------
> > > eric cs<> wrote:
> >
> > > Hi guys,
> >
> > > I saw some posts on Scala website about helping newcomers and I was
> > > wondering if some of you would be kind enough to help me out to start
> > > with Scala/Lift.
> > > My main problem is I am not a programmer yet but I really really want
> > > to be, I've been studying Ruby/Rails, Php/Zend/Symfony,Mvc,Design
> > > Patterns,Uml,Sql and some Java. I read some books but I don't get my
> > > head to think like a programer.
> > > I really like OO,Design Patterns, Uml but I don't know how to apply
> > > that to a full application, how to link everything together,
> > > classes,objects(books about that?Not about those items but how to put
> > > everything together)...I know a lot of the theory and concepts but no
> > > practice.
> > > I have all july available to learn that 12 hours a day or more if
> > > necessary I just need a push, someone to teach/help me out.
> > > What's more, I saw a post saying that I could learn Scala from scratch
> > > without learning Java, it's possible, not so much with Groovy. If it's
> > > not what parts of Java do I need to know, in case some of you tell me
> > > learn Java first(the easy answer).Do I need a lot of experience in
> > > Java to jump in in Scala? I know it helps but I would like to finish
> > > my first e-commerce in august, 100% opensource in Scala if possible.
> >
> > > P.s:I did 2 years of Computer Science C++ and 2 years of Civil
> > > Engineering over 12 years ago both unfinished.
> >
> > --
> > Eric Bowman
> > Boboco Ltd
> > ebow...@boboco.ie
> > +35318394189/+353872801532- Hide quoted text -
> >
> > - Show quoted text -
> >

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