> In my opinion... Yes, drop the telnet and do a web interface to
> administrate anything, its worth it.

It is actyually very useful, you telnet into your server and issue
commands the same way as it is scala interpreter runninng inside your
server. But, Web will work as well.

> > for example, i have special job for importing huge Xml files into the
> > database.
> How huge?

i have now 50Mg XML file with TV guide information

> > The problem of loading big Xml files in Scala is already a
> > challenge but for now i assume i have unlimited memory. The problem i
> > have how to test it.
> Test it? like automated testing or test it "want to know it works". If
> its the second, how about making a simple html file with a file submit
> form, add a sitemap entry to a lift application and create a snippet
> that parses that file and print the time it takes to crunch it! =) If
> you have no idea how to do this I would recomend buying the Lift book
> (http://www.apress.com/book/view/9781430224211which is not quite
> easy or polished but its a great way to go head first into the
> liftworld)

It takes about 1 minute to load and parse it but the actual problem is
memory, i had to increase max heap size to 1.5Gb and 50Mb is not the
upper limit, it will grow.

I am thinking that using SAX parser directly is the only way to avoid
it, Scala cannot do parsing incrementally and every \ or \\ function
copies the whole subtree which makes memory usage even worse.

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