On Sep 16, 8:58 am, David Pollak <feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com>

> So, that's the Lift policy.  We will have to figure out if we're going to do
> a 1.0.3 release for Scala 2.8.  We're planning to release Lift 1.1 a few
> weeks after 2.8 goes live (which I'm expecting to be in late November-early
> January sometime.)
> > It would be great if we could do something
> > like mvn upgrade 1.0.2 or mvn upgrade current to take care of this, at
> > least for minor upgrades.
> Maybe a Maven maven on the list will describe if that's possible.

Thanks again for your quick response David. I'll keep an eye on this
list for any related posts. I still think it would be a good idea to
have a central resource that lists "official" Lift releases for
reference. Maybe on the Wiki? Something like:

Current Stable Release: 1.0.2
Compiled with Scala: 2.7.5
Documentation: http://xxx
New project sample Maven line: mvn ...

Latest Milestone Release: 1.1-M5
Compiled with Scala: 2.7.5
Documentation: http://xxx
New project sample Maven line: mvn ...

Compiled with Scala: 2.8-b4
Documentation: http://xxx
New project sample Maven line: mvn ...

I'm thinking a simple version of the Springsource download page for
example: http://www.springsource.org/download

I'll be happy to set up the initial page but I can't commit to keeping
it up-to-date at this point.

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