Am 19.09.2016 um 14:29 schrieb Simon Albrecht:
Sorry, Knut, but this is a totally inacceptable report. It’s not clear what you 
want, and you come up with an example of 300+ lines of code.

There are times where you cannot see the wood for the trees. I posted the 
original mail because
I was unable to get the expected behaviour after a _long_ time of searching for 
an error in my code.
All that led me to the assumtion that some side effect of the weird Score 
layout that is necessary to
force mensuration lines in a polyrhythmic context exposed a bug, so a short MWE 
was not a real option.

Now, after looking at the code again for a long time, I see that I simply forgot a 
"time 3/4" in the hidden
(lower) staff of the staffgroup. That caused the bars to be out of sync and so 
no barline spanner was
drawn. lilypond was right, and I was wrong. No bug, too simple :-(

I made a fool of myself, sorry for the noise and thank you to all those who had 
a look at the file.


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