Hi Paul,

On Sun, Aug 30, 2015 at 4:51 PM, Paul Morris <p...@paulwmorris.com> wrote:

> Hi David,
> On Aug 30, 2015, at 3:16 PM, David Nalesnik <david.nales...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> LilyPond already has the ability to make analysis brackets, which are
>> attached to note columns and can nest as in the link (HorizontalBracket).
>> I have an old patch for adding text to these that I will finish up and
>> post.  (I have code for doing this in Scheme, but my approach now is an
>> enhancement of the C++ engraver.)
> The attached file is what I used to use when making form handouts.
> This is great!  – both the analysis brackets (which I didn’t know about
> before) and your code for text labels for them.  I’ve often resorted to
> using Inkscape to add this kind of thing to LilyPond SVGs.
> In trying out your code I noticed that it didn’t really work when the text
> was wider than the bracket (the bracket was pushed over out of place).  So
> I came up with a revision that handles this, using the
> “center-stencil-on-stencil” function I recently contributed to the LSR.
> See attached.

Good catch.  Thanks!

> Would be nice to have this in the LSR, at least.  It also might be nice if
> it could accept a markup instead of a string, so you could change the
> appearance of the text (size, color, style, etc.).
Actually, you can.  The syntax is just a little awkward, though:

 gluck = \relative c'' {
  \time 3/4
  \key f \major
  \override HorizontalBracket.direction = #UP
  c4-\tweak stencil #(label #{ \markup \italic \center-column {
"contrasting" "period" } #}
                       #{ \markup \italic \center-column { "period"
"(cont.)" } #})
  -\tweak stencil #(label "a" "a" )\startGroup
  a8( bes c f)
  f4( e d)
  c d8( c bes c)
  \appoggiatura bes4 a2 g4 \stopGroup
  f'8-\tweak stencil #(label "b" "b")\startGroup r a, r d r
  c4( e, f)
  g8( bes) a4 g8( f)
  f2 \stopGroup \stopGroup r4


The plan at the moment is to create a grob HorizontalBracketText.  That
will allow easy use of markups through overrides of a 'text property:

\override HorizontalBracketText.text = \markup ...

and tweakability.

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