> OK, I can follow this... But the tell the stage handler has 
> to be in a preiodical or?? What I need is to capture the 
> close event that gets triggered when the user uses the close 
> box in the title bar... Possible?

I'm not sure--I've never used a close box on a MIAW. I always put a
"close" button, and clicking it tells the stage to set the global, or
calls the CloseModalDialog handler. I don't know if you can trap it or

If you set the global on the stage (from the MIAW, with tell the stage),
then you have to be checking the global periodically in the stage movie.
I prefer the second method, because you can call it directly from the
MIAW (tell the stage CloseModalDLOG ), and you don't have to have it in
a periodical handler. CloseModalDLOG just has to be in a movie script.

> Would of cause be glad to do it your way but not sure I can 
> figure that out quite yet without som explanation on how you 
> call the handlers... I assume they are in the stage movie?

Yes, the handlers are in the stage movie, in a movie script. You would
have a button in the MIAW with a script something like this:

on mouseUp me
  tell the stage
  end tell


Kerry Thompson

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