Linux-Hardware Digest #544, Volume #14           Thu, 29 Mar 01 15:13:08 EST

  Re: Kernel too big (John Burton)
  Re: Ensoniq 1370 audio volume is too low (Tim)
  Internal superdisk drive not recognized... (zak)
  Mouse on a 6PDNF ("Alexander G. Haley")
  Kernel panic on Netfinity (Neil Watson)
  Re: Kernel too big (Michael Heiming)
  Re: Onstream DI30 Tapedrive broken? (Michael Meissner)
  Re: where can I find a video driver? (Michael Meissner)
  Re: UPS for Linux/Winblows ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Is Sony crap? (The Real Bev)
  Re: UDMA problems and Redhat Linux kernel 3.0.3 ("Richard Gout")
  Booten von einem Fasttrak66, ABER MIT SUSE!!! ("Johannes M. Stolba")
  Re: sound modules (Peter Z)
  Re: Mouse on a 6PDNF (Trevor Hemsley)
  USB Printer setup problems in 2.4 kernel. ("Jason A. Smith")


From: John Burton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Kernel too big
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 12:15:45 -0500

James Barwick wrote:

> Alberto Arribas wrote:
> > Hello.
> >
> > Apologies if this is a really basic question. I have compiled a new
> > kernel in order to include the drivers of my new CD writer.
> > Unfortunately, when I run lilo to build up the system I get the message
> > "kernel too big". It occurs when I use zImage to compile the kernel and
> > also when I use bzImage. Could you help me to solve this problem?
> >
> > Thanks a lot,
> >
> > Al
> bzImage may be too big too.
> MODULES MAN, MODULES!!!  I simple rule of thumb I live by...Don't
> compile drivers into the kernel unless you have to!

Modules can be a security risk, a way for hackers to provide themselves a
back door...



Subject: Re: Ensoniq 1370 audio volume is too low
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 12:24:27 -0500

Hi Guys,


> Also try it without gmix.


I have three [3] mixer applets on my system: gmix, kmixer for KDE and
xmixer. They interact, but xmixer seems to be the "boss". Use it to
adjust audio levels in X, whatever window manager you use.


Timothy J. Schutte
"I yam what I yam and that's all what I yam!" --Popeye the Sailor-Man


Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 11:10:33 -0500
Subject: Internal superdisk drive not recognized...

I have a compaq that comes with a superdisk drive (imation), i just
installed mandrake 7.2 and i couldnt mount the floppy as a regular one
(even my drive is a 2 in 1: superdisk and regular floppy). I dont have
much experience in linux and i dont have a clue where to start. I went
to superdisk site to look for a driver but i found some exe files for
different win machines...
can anyone please help me, or direct me to a site on how i can make my
superdisk work under mandrake 7.2...thanks a lot


From: "Alexander G. Haley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mouse on a 6PDNF
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 12:28:36 -0500

I have a super micro mother board; a Dual PPro model # 6PDNF.
I am running Debian, 2.2.4. I have been unable to get the mouse to work
under any OS installed on my computer. I've tried every setting
combination possible.

Has anyone else had this sort of problem?



From: Neil Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Kernel panic on Netfinity
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 17:58:07 GMT

Hello all,

I hope someone can help me:

I've run into a problem with our netfinity server.  The server is running 
linux kerenl 2.4.2.  Under light loads it runs fine.  When I load the 
system up, in this case performing a backup, I get a kernel panic and these 

SCSI disk error : host 0 channel 0 id 0 lun 0 return code = 70000 
I/O error: dev 08:05, sector 31731256 
SCSI disk error : host 0 channel 0 id 0 lun 0 return code = 70000 
I/O error: dev 08:05, sector 31731264 
SCSI disk error : host 0 channel 0 id 0 lun 0 return code = 70000 
I/O error: dev 08:05, sector 31731272 
SCSI disk error : host 0 channel 0 id 0 lun 0 return code = 70000 
I/O error: dev 08:05, sector 31731280 

I checked an archive on the Kenelnotes mailing list and it seems that this 
problem has something to do with netfinity servers.


IBM Netfinity xSeries 220 Type 8645-31X
ServeRAID -4x Ultra 160
AIT2 Skydata autoloader connected to the onboard SCSI controller.

Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
Neil Watson


Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 19:54:37 +0200
From: Michael Heiming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Kernel too big

John Burton wrote:
> James Barwick wrote:
> > Alberto Arribas wrote:
> >
> > > Hello.
> > >
> > > Apologies if this is a really basic question. I have compiled a new
> > > kernel in order to include the drivers of my new CD writer.
> > > Unfortunately, when I run lilo to build up the system I get the message
> > > "kernel too big". It occurs when I use zImage to compile the kernel and
> > > also when I use bzImage. Could you help me to solve this problem?
> > >
> > > Thanks a lot,
> > >
> > > Al
> >
> > bzImage may be too big too.
> >
> > MODULES MAN, MODULES!!!  I simple rule of thumb I live by...Don't
> > compile drivers into the kernel unless you have to!
> >
> Modules can be a security risk, a way for hackers to provide themselves a
> back door...


could you explain how this should work out?

Michael Heiming


Subject: Re: Onstream DI30 Tapedrive broken?
From: Michael Meissner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 29 Mar 2001 13:14:49 -0500

"." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I've installed a brand new onstream di30 tape drive on my linux box. the
> handbook contains the jumper switches as follows:
>   pin 1 & 2      = secondary  (default)
>   pin 2 & 3      = master
>   pin 3 & 4     = cable select
> I've tried all these jumpers without success, the tape is not recognized
> or the bios detect function hang forever.
> after removing all switches the tape is recognized as "slave" and still
> detected by suse linux 7.1 (kernel 2.4.0) as hdb device. ht0 exists but
> does not responde to any command. the following error messages appears:
>    " ht0: invalid header identification string
>    " ht0: failed to find valid ADRL header
>    "ht0: couldn't read header frame
> the valid adrl header info is given because the tape medium is not
> formated etc. so this could be the cause of the message. but a
>     mt -f /dev/ht0 erase
> command doesn't work either, so how to init a tape? the process still
> hangs during operations and a timeout appears after 1-2 minute and
> serveral above error messages.

(Note, I'm in the GCC group, not the Linux group, so the following is my own
opinion, and not anything official from Red Hat).

> my question:
> 1. is the tape still broken (onstream support is very bad... the
> quaranteed response time per e-mail via 24 hours is not true, no
> response at all during days..... and serveral requests....) or the
> manual wrong?

It is not surprising response time is bad -- they just went into chapter 7
bankruptcy 1-2 weeks ago, so I wouldn't expect any help.  You might want to
pick up tapes while they are still available.

> 2. anyone around still working with this configuration or does the tape
> work at all with linux 2.4.0? (it is in the hardware list for this
> version)

There is mention of Onstream in the 2.4.x kernel configurations.  Since I don't
have an OnStream device, I can't help you except for quote stuff from the

Michael Meissner, Red Hat, Inc.  (GCC group)
PMB 198, 174 Littleton Road #3, Westford, Massachusetts 01886, USA
Work:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]           phone: +1 978-486-9304
Non-work: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   fax:   +1 978-692-4482


Subject: Re: where can I find a video driver?
From: Michael Meissner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 29 Mar 2001 13:17:46 -0500

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows) writes:

> On Wed, 28 Mar 2001 15:20:43 +0800, web staggered into the Black Sun and
> said:
> >Hi,I have just installed readhat6.1, but it seem doesnot support my
> >video card(TNT2). I have a disc contain redhat7 which support ny video
> >card. But there is a program which cannot run in redhat7, so I have to
> >use redhat6.1.  Would you please tell me where can I find a driver from
> >redhat7 disc and how to install the driver in redhat6.1? thanks very
> >much.
> Upgrade XFree86 (just XFree86) to 3.3.5 at least.
> and look for RELNOTES.html for
> instructions on doing this.  Or use RedHat 6.2, which is more stable
> than either 6.1 or 7.0 in most respects.
> What, praytell, won't run on 7.0?  Sounds very suspicious to me.

(Note, I work in the GCC group, not the Linux group, so the following is my own
opinion, and not that of Red Hat).  I suspect you need to load the appropriate
compatibility libraries in order to run the program on Red Hat 7.

Michael Meissner, Red Hat, Inc.  (GCC group)
PMB 198, 174 Littleton Road #3, Westford, Massachusetts 01886, USA
Work:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]           phone: +1 978-486-9304
Non-work: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   fax:   +1 978-692-4482


Subject: Re: UPS for Linux/Winblows
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 18:41:47 GMT

In <99vfdl$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Michael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

[moved answer to the place where it belongs...]

>"Brian McKerr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>news:99v95q$j23$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>> I'm looking for some advice on which UPS to buy for my Linux server and
>> win98 games box, If possible, I'd like to have both boxes hooked up to the
>> UPS at all times.
>> Anyone have any suggestions ?

>APC is the standard and best supported but more expensive than other brands.
>With Windows 2000 I have pretty good luck with the BackUPS 500VA model after
>experimenting with serial port input settings.

Wrong. APC does not have open source, needs different cables anytime
and has a pretty bad Linux attitude.

I would suggest Best ( because they ship UNIX source
with their USVs since ages, or even Minuteman ( -
they are much more helpfull than APC.

Dipl. Inf. Ulrich Teichert|e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Stormweg 24               |listening to:Something Good To Go By(The Decibels)
24539 Neumuenster, Germany|Cheap Excitement (Stratford Mercenaries)


From: The Real Bev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Is Sony crap?
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 10:57:26 -0800

Zinemaniac wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Mar 2001 05:41:51 GMT, The Real Bev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >Just bought a Sony 8/4/32 CD-RW unit which will write only at half the
> >rated speeds even though the media is rated higher.  Best Buy won't take it
> >back after 30 days, I couldn't get a number for Sony CD-RW support (A
> >12-minute wait for a person in digital camcorders was the best offer I got,
> >so I hung up), and I didn't even get an acknowledgement of the email I sent
> >through their website, which has no concept of the term 'troubleshooting'.
> >
> >If I finally do get through to warranty service (assuming it exists), am I
> >likely to be just as unhappy about it as I am about the unit?
> That sound real crappy.. I have 2 Sony's (CRX140E ,CRX120E) and i've
> never had any of your problem.(Except for one time when i bought some
> crappy ARITA's). It would help if you could tell a bit more about your
> system. Computer, Operating system and CD-burning software would make
> it easier for people to try help you.

P266, slackware 7.0, kernel 2.2.16, 128meg, cdrecord.  Same stuff on a
slower machine (P133) will record on a Teac drive at the proper speed.

Has to write at half speed to both cdr and cd-rw.  Teac is also 8/4/32.

Greg H wrote:

> Is this the Spressa CRX140E/CH2?  I have this one and it works flawlessly.
> I also got it at Best Buy.

Yes.  Feh!

Still haven't got any email from Sony.  This in itself sucks badly.

Not all cultures are equal.  If they were, we 
would have a lot more cannibal restaurants.


From: "Richard Gout" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: UDMA problems and Redhat Linux kernel 3.0.3
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 20:45:54 +0200

Oops, of course not kernel 3.0.3 but 2.4.x
told you I was a newbie ;-))

Richard Gout


From: "Johannes M. Stolba" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Booten von einem Fasttrak66, ABER MIT SUSE!!!
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 19:15:05 +0200

hi leute!

wenn ich mit meinem fasttrak66 suse7.1(floppy-bootdisk) booten will, hängt
er sich beim initialisieren der ide-controller auf...(das problem ist glaub
ich bekannt). ich kann auf dem rechner also bis jetzt kein linux
installieren :-(
soweit ich gesucht hab gibt es von promise nur ein kernel-modul für REDHAT
(das hab ich inzw.). ich hab aber leider SUSE! in der SUSE datenbank fand
ich nur den hinweis das der fasttrak66 unterstützt wird (aber das wars auch
hat jemand einen tip?
oder kann mir ev. jemand kurz erklären, wie ich beim boot von so einer
suse-bootdisk ein kernel-modul lade und eventuell das laden des ide-moduls
im pdf-handbuch steht nämlich nicht wie das geht :-(


Subject: Re: sound modules
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 21:42:25 +0200

Thanks for all the answers.

Bedankt voor alle antwoorden.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Trevor Hemsley)
Subject: Re: Mouse on a 6PDNF
Date: 29 Mar 2001 19:51:04 GMT

On Thu, 29 Mar 2001 17:28:36, "Alexander G. Haley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> I have a super micro mother board; a Dual PPro model # 6PDNF.
> I am running Debian, 2.2.4. I have been unable to get the mouse to work
> under any OS installed on my computer. I've tried every setting
> combination possible.
> Has anyone else had this sort of problem?

Some Supermicro boards use a non-standard pin-out on the socket that 
you plug the mouse lead into on the motherboard. It's important to use
the lead that Supermicro supply with the board or the pins on your 
PS/2 socket won't be connected to the right things. If it isn't 
working in _any_ o/s then it's likely to be something like this.

I have the close cousin to the P6DNF, the P6DNE (baby AT vs full AT) 
and my mouse works fine in all o/s's that I've used on the board 
(Linux in several varieties, OS/2 in three flavours, NT in 2 flavours,
SCO OpenServer).

Trevor Hemsley, Brighton, UK.


From: "Jason A. Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: USB Printer setup problems in 2.4 kernel.
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 19:57:12 GMT

I am trying to setup a printer connected to my USB port.  I have a
slightly modified RedHat-6.2 system with a 2.4.2-ac12 kernel.  The
kernel was built without devfs support.  I already have one printer
connected to my parallel port and wanted to try to connect my
Epson 660 to the USB port with the parallel port adaptor I got with
the printer.  I tried to install the relevant kernel modules after booting
like so:

modprobe usb-uhci
modprobe printer

but it failed to register the printer device.  Below is the relevant
portion of my system log.  Does anyone have any suggestions?
Will this only work if I build the kernel with devfs support and run
devfsd also?  Or is there some other problem?


Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel: hub.c: USB new device connect on bus1/2, assigned 
device number 3
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel: Manufacturer: EPSON
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel: Product: USB-Parallel Adapter
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel: SerialNumber: 06602020v9iiu13j
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel: usb.c: USB device 3 (vend/prod 0x4b8/0x2) is not 
claimed by any active driver.
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:   Length              = 18
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:   DescriptorType      = 01
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:   USB version         = 1.00
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:   Vendor:Product      = 04b8:0002
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:   MaxPacketSize0      = 64
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:   NumConfigurations   = 1
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:   Device version      = 2.00
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:   Device Class:SubClass:Protocol = 00:00:00
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:     Per-interface classes
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel: Configuration:
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:   bLength             =    9
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:   bDescriptorType     =   02
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:   wTotalLength        = 0047
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:   bNumInterfaces      =   01
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:   bConfigurationValue =   01
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:   iConfiguration      =   00
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:   bmAttributes        =   80
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:   MaxPower            =   96mA
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:   Interface: 0
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:   Alternate Setting:  0
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:     bLength             =    9
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:     bDescriptorType     =   04
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:     bInterfaceNumber    =   00
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:     bAlternateSetting   =   00
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:     bNumEndpoints       =   01
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:     bInterface Class:SubClass:Protocol =   07:01:01
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:     iInterface          =   00
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:     Endpoint:
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:       bLength             =    7
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:       bDescriptorType     =   05
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:       bEndpointAddress    =   01 (out)
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:       bmAttributes        =   02 (Bulk)
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:       wMaxPacketSize      = 0040
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:       bInterval           =   00
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:   Alternate Setting:  1
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:     bLength             =    9
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:     bDescriptorType     =   04
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:     bInterfaceNumber    =   00
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:     bAlternateSetting   =   01
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:     bNumEndpoints       =   02
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:     bInterface Class:SubClass:Protocol =   07:01:02
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:     iInterface          =   00
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:     Endpoint:
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:       bLength             =    7
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:       bDescriptorType     =   05
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:       bEndpointAddress    =   01 (out)
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:       bmAttributes        =   02 (Bulk)
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:       wMaxPacketSize      = 0040
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:       bInterval           =   00
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:     Endpoint:
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:       bLength             =    7
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:       bDescriptorType     =   05
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:       bEndpointAddress    =   82 (in)
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:       bmAttributes        =   02 (Bulk)
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:       wMaxPacketSize      = 0040
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:       bInterval           =   00
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:   Alternate Setting:  2
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:     bLength             =    9
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:     bDescriptorType     =   04
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:     bInterfaceNumber    =   00
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:     bAlternateSetting   =   02
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:     bNumEndpoints       =   02
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:     bInterface Class:SubClass:Protocol =   ff:00:ff
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:     iInterface          =   00
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:     Endpoint:
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:       bLength             =    7
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:       bDescriptorType     =   05
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:       bEndpointAddress    =   01 (out)
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:       bmAttributes        =   02 (Bulk)
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:       wMaxPacketSize      = 0040
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:       bInterval           =   00
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:     Endpoint:
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:       bLength             =    7
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:       bDescriptorType     =   05
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:       bEndpointAddress    =   82 (in)
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:       bmAttributes        =   02 (Bulk)
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:       wMaxPacketSize      = 0040
Mar 29 14:26:02 hadron4-en kernel:       bInterval           =   00
Mar 29 14:26:28 hadron4-en kernel: usb.c: registered new driver usblp
Mar 29 14:26:28 hadron4-en kernel: printer.c: usblp0: device node registration failed
Mar 29 14:26:28 hadron4-en kernel: printer.c: usblp0: USB Bidirectional printer dev 3 
if 0 alt 1



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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