On Mon, 10 Jan 2000, Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo wrote:

> Yeah, especially knowing the fact that Linux is *not* an alternative to
> Windows on the local market. There's still no descent Hebrew support,
> saying nothing about manuals, localisation and the stuff.

we're talking about a match for the W2K server for now then, ofcourse we
can't match the features of the Winslows98 or the (does)NT Work-station,
Hebrew-Enabled GUI.

Ira Abramov ;  whois:IA58  ;  www.scso.com ;  all around Linux enthusiast
"It is easy to sympathize with the MIS staffs around the world, I mean who hasn't 
lost work due to Windows or a Microsoft application crashing?"
  -- Chris DiBona, happy he's been using Linux and can avoid such things, from 
the introduction. (Open Sources, 1999 O'Reilly and Associates) 

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