On Wed, 6 Mar 2002, Tzahi Fadida wrote:

> I don't know how this topic became economics 101, but I want to return
> to the quote.  If you'll open any operating system concepts book, you
> will see that separating the shell or the user interface, is very
> important in order for the os to have a good design. Microsoft has put

One point - you CAN use a different shell. There are other shells out
there. I don't recall if there are any free options, but there are some
shareware options.

> its monopolistic interests over the design and quality of the product.
> If there was an ethic committee for these kind of violations they would
> be disbarred, but because there is not, The public interest is to make
> Microsoft pay for their mistakes. And as you know, people like to see
> blood.  Microsoft has earned enough of consumer money to make a good
> product, and if they need to pull it off the shelves to fix it, than so
> be it.  Mind you, the browser is not the only issue, which if I would
> have to list their indiscretions it would exceed the netiques of this
> list. I want to point out one of these other issues - security. bill
> gates openly admitted his organization lack of understanding or
> compliance with security. Now it is undeniably that Microsoft knew from
> the beginning that they are putting a product which is insecure on the
> shelves. I think, this is a more important issue that costs billions
> each year in security damages by viruses and holes.  Not only the
> damages in monetary quantification, but also insurance policies which
> have higher premiums as a result, causing less businesses to insure
> themselves.  All in all, I think Microsoft acted irresponsibly. 

> * - * - *
> Tzahi Fadida
> Fax (+1 Outside the US) 240-597-3213
> * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - *
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