Try SSh(secure login) better than telnet as well as safer than what telnet

Best regards,

 Pradeep.Sangunni  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ICQ# 73495162     --
 SuSE Linux 7.0    --  kernel 2.2.17

On Mon, 20 Nov 2000, Neeraj Manral wrote:

> I want to log on to my linux box from my home .?
> My queries are
> How safe is telnet .some people knowing unix have advised me not to use
> telnet as it is vulnerable to hacking .Though i dont have any important
> doc/secrets in my pc but still is it possible that some one can tap the
> passwords that i type to log in for loging in .I log on to my local isp and
> telnet my pc.
> Is there any safe way that can be used to log in from a remote location .I
> am more concerned about the superuser password.
> Some one had suggested that a normal user can be given some more rights and
> basic super user functions can be performed ..I am not sure how that can
> help?
> Or some thing like only one user can telnet .Telnet service for everyone
> else is blocked ?
> I am not very sure whether i am making my self clear  ... But if some one
> has understood me please  give me the best possible solution.
> Regards
> Neeraj Manral
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