Linux-Misc Digest #263, Volume #19                Tue, 2 Mar 99 12:13:16 EST

  Which scanner for Linux? (Yann Muller)
  Re: tb montego specs (Jeremiah)
  Re: Backup software (Erik Bakker)
  Type in your user name and password for the bizillionth time? (oak)
  Re: More bad news for NT (Massimo Signoretta)
  Re: Public license question (Mark Mokryn)
  Re: More bad news for NT (A Lurker)
  PPP connection can't use Netscape, ping, etc. (Jeff Letendre)
  Re: More bad news for NT (Greg Yantz)
  Damn SB PCI64 !! HELP !! (Franck Genteur)
  how many loopback-dev? (Ferry Dave Jaeckel)
  error in loading shared libraries
  Good So Far!! ("Larry Mitchell")
  Re: Where can I get the RPM of the 2.2.X Kernel? (Tom)
  Re: Can NT with NTFS coexist with RedHat Linux (Michael Fleming)
  Re: Best Free Unix? (why FreeBSD?) (Richard E. Hawkins Esq.)
  One Linux "system" bootable on two different machines? ("Norm Dresner")
  Re: Open Email Relay Redhat 4.2 (**Nick Brown)


From: Yann Muller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Which scanner for Linux?
Date: Mon, 01 Mar 1999 15:01:13 +0000


I plan to get a scanner to use with Linux.  I would appreciate some help
to make a choice. As a scanner is not something I'd like to buy by mail
order I also have a limited choice at the local suppliers.

I've been considering:

* Agfa Snapscan 1236
     but I could find any support for it in Linux. Tell if i'm wrong as
it is right in my price range.

* Epson GT-7000
     ep_scan seems not to have been updated for a very long time so I
don't know if it is supported.
     SANE ??? not mentioned on the page

* HP Scanjet 6200C
     _EXPENSIVE_ but supported by SANE

* HP Scanjet 4C
     old and difficult to find

I would very much appreciate any additionnal information about those
scanners in Linux or suggestion about other models...


      (EasyRCS for Amiga - Homepage of Misanthrope - ...)


From: Jeremiah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: tb montego specs
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 04:03:31 -0500

Seth Van Oort wrote:
> Where would you the tb montego specs necessary to write a driver? I
> didn't see any such thing on their site.

        They haven't/won't release sufficient documentation.  This is
why OSS has had to push back their release date a few times already. 


email to bmeloon <at} netscape {dot> net.  evilquaker is a spam collector.


From: Erik Bakker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: Backup software
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 10:24:17 +0100

you mean the KDE's Kdat utility doesnt work?

try setting in the option panel

the tape drive at /dev/st0       (the first scsi tape drive)
it should then mount
that was my problem to.....


Rick Knight wrote:

> Can anyone recommend a backup/restore program for Linux (RH 5.2) and
> X? I have a Seagate STT28000n SCSI Travan tape drive GUI based program
> to use with it. I've tried Knox's ARKEIA but it seems to buggy and the
> backup utility that comes with KDE doesn't support my drive.
> Thanks
> Rick Knight


Subject: Type in your user name and password for the bizillionth time?
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 15:57:19 GMT

The Linux Journal recently had an article on how to autologin without
have to type in your user name and password for the bizillionth time,
does anybody have the basic instructions on how to do it?



Power User Page


From: Massimo Signoretta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: More bad news for NT
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 11:02:34 -0500

David Hawthorne wrote:

> Now this sort of attitude is exactly what pisses me off about Linux
> newsgroups - 'Microsoft is worthless crap full stop'. Well, no, actually,
> it's not. It has brought computing to the masses by providing an operating
> system which does not require deep understanding on the part of the user.
> Your attitude appears to be that it's necessary to understand nuclear
> processing before you can switch on the electric light powered by the
> reactor down the road - sorry, you are simply WRONG on this one.
> And before the flaming starts (and I hope that the Linux community - I'd
> like to think I'm one of them - is more polite and tolerant than to flame
> prople for opinions contrary to their own), I carry no torch for Microsoft,
> which I believe to be a typical business protecting its own interests in the
> way that many businesses do. This is not to my liking, but that doesn't mean
> that I can't appreciate what they've done for me in allowing me to get some
> knowledge of PC computing usage - that, after all, is most likely the way
> that most of us first got into computing and therefore Linux. How many of us
> started with Linux as our first OS?
> Oh, dear, was that a flame? I don't intend it to be. It's simply an
> expression of a contrary opinion.
> David.

I agree. Dispite "This program has preformed an illegal op...." MS & Windows has
brought something I that Linux does not have. EASE OF USE.  A short time ago, I
was bulilding computers as a sideline. I built several for a lawer friend.
Although she knows nothing of dos prompts, partitinons and operating systems,
she kicked my ass at Wordperfect 5.1. My point is that there are 2 types of
computer experts, those that deal with the nuts and bolts of the computer, and
those that USE the computer. Unfortunately, the later group is by far the
largest. Win XX was written for this group not the former.
I have RH 5.2, have installed it, and all the RMP that came with it. Now all I
have to do is Figure out how to call them up. Whole new learning curve, and I
understand computers. Until Linux becomes as simple to use as Win XX, and I
repeat, USE, any superiority the operating system holds will go for naught.
Understand I dislike, nay, abhor MS, but its far easier to use than Linux, and
its ease of use, and marketing tactics, that make or break a system.



From: Mark Mokryn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Public license question
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 09:25:51 GMT

In article <7bfea4$q4i$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Todd Knarr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My understanding: the stuff in the .h files defines the interface. Mere
> use of the interface is not considered enough to qualify as "derived from
> the code that implements the interface". This lets you make a module that
> is not GPL'd, as long as you don't modify any of the rest of the kernel.
> If you do need to modify the GPL'd code, those modifications must also
> be GPL'd ( but _not_ the entire module, just the modifications to GPL'd
> code ).

True, header files are mostly interface definitions, but not entirely. Take
macro's for example. Thus, my point is: can I be entirely certain that
proprietary work can be performed on the Linux platform? i.e., if I change
the platform, I know that I need to open up my changes, but what if I just
use the existing platform to form a possibly proprietary, new platform? By
"use" I mean that my new platform will contain: Unmodified Linux kernel (or
if modified, I will make public the modified source files), new files written
entirely by me, which of course will #include standard kernel header files.

This GPL stuff is very confusing... For example, can I call Transarc and
demand the source code of their distributed file system for Linux? I'm sure
they at the very least use macro's someone in the Linux community wrote... If
I can, then it seems to me that the GPL is actually screwing Linux. I love
the idea of an open OS, and am willing to support it. I believe that the OS
is a base platform which we should all be able to use, but the openness
should not hinder us. If we cannot make a living off of it, well, then I will
just have to use another platform.

Does anyone know of any legal precedents regarding the GPL? Perhaps what would
help is if the GPL were clarified, and specific guidelines may be established.
Keeping it ambiguous hurts us all.


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From: A Lurker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: More bad news for NT
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 05:46:23 -0400

Jim Ross wrote:
> >Sounds Like something is crashing your X-Server, not Linux.
> No it's more like a hang.  And since ctrl-alt-f2 doesn't response then
> basically my entire Linux system is hung.

Hmm thats worse than I've encountered then. I have had X hang several
times, and the annoying thing about it is precisely that it did NOT
disturb my webserver, my dialing users, anyone who was telnetted in
to the shell at the time, in short, all my users except myself were
having no trouble other than my tempation to resort to drastic measures
such as the reset switch.

Can you be more specific as to which services other than X were
affected? Was email no longer being delivered? Webpages no longer
being served? Dialup users no longer able to reach the net? People
using the shell hung along with you? Etc. If so what I've seen and
what you've seen are not the same mode of failure afterall despite
their sounding superficially similar.


From: Jeff Letendre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PPP connection can't use Netscape, ping, etc.
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 10:05:48 -0500

Please help this is so frustrating!  I'm a Linux rookie (coming from
My modem dials my ISP (which supports Linux) and maintains the
connection.  However, I can't use any TCP/IP utils (such as Netscape and
ping).  I'm pretty sure I followed the setup instructions.

Thanks 4 your time...



From: Greg Yantz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: More bad news for NT
Date: 02 Mar 1999 11:39:44 -0500

A Lurker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Jim Ross wrote:
> > >Sounds Like something is crashing your X-Server, not Linux.
> > 
> > No it's more like a hang.  And since ctrl-alt-f2 doesn't response then
> > basically my entire Linux system is hung.

The rest of your system is almost certainly OK. You just can't communicate
with it. It's still breathing, just deaf-mute. :\

[stuff about network services snipped]

Nope, the guy was running a standalone machine. So, when the console
gets munged and the machine stops responding to mouse or keyboard input, 
there's no way to tell the difference between a wedged X server and a 
total lockup- it all looks the same.



From: Franck Genteur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Damn SB PCI64 !! HELP !!
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 16:34:35 +0100

Hi folks !

I'm not a newbie anymore (well, maybe a little still) but this fuc#@$*
sound card is driving me mad !
I can't load my sound card as a module, neither compile it in the kernel
(well, it actually compiles, but the sound card doesn't seem to work)
I guess it's not a pnp card because a 'pnpdump > /etc/isapnp.conf'
doesn't mention any device ('#no boards' at the end of the isapnp.conf

My kernel is 2.2.2 compiled with sb support, opl2/opl3 support,  awe32
synth, etc. Shows errors detecting sound and when using modules, kernel
can't find'em !!

I read all AWE README and HOWTOs and everything seems to be pretty easy
to configure, so ... WHY ME ??

Could anybody tell me the exact procedure to compile this card as a
module and make it work properly ??



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ferry Dave Jaeckel)
Subject: how many loopback-dev?
Date: 2 Mar 1999 16:23:55 GMT


We are setting up a Linux box as samba-server at the university library. We 

want to use it to distribut CDROM-databases to an WinNT application server

We donīt want to use another jukebox because of speed and cost.

The simplest way would be to copy the entire CD into an image file with dd
and to mount this image as loopback device.

The problem is, we have about 40 CDīs, but not all mounted at one time. We
expect a maximum of 20 mounted images (and so of 20 loopback devices) at one

Does linux (kernel 2.2.2) support as much loopback-devices by default, or do
we need to change the sources somewhere??

Does anybody know the answer or the location of an appropiate document?

Please answer via mail
        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
because I donīt read this newsgroups regulary.

Many thanks!
        Dave Jaeckel


Subject: error in loading shared libraries
Date: 2 Mar 1999 11:36:59 GMT

error in loading shared libraries
/lib/ undefined symbol: __getfpucw

What do I do if some program(setuid root) generate such a error
when invoked by normal user although it generate no error when invoked
by root?

I'm running slackware 3.6 with kernel 2.0.36.
Thanks in advance.


From: "Larry Mitchell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Good So Far!!
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 16:36:58 GMT

Hi All,

My Linux box is up and running I like what I see so far and I'm excited
about it.
I'm still working at getting my cable modem to work properly should not be
to hard. I have saved
many news group postings to a file for future ref. on the subject.

wish me luck!
After all finding the solution to these minor problems can be fun huh!



Subject: Re: Where can I get the RPM of the 2.2.X Kernel?
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 16:39:42 GMT

Ed Young wrote:

> Tom wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have seen that folks have been installing the 2.2.2 Kernel. Is there
> > an RPM package for it available yet? If so, where can I get it.
> >
> > Thank You
> > Tom
> check out RedHat's rawhide distribution.

Thank You for the reply. I have been searching the ftp mirrirs for the rawhide
distribution and can not  find it. Would you have a good lead on a URL?


>  They have the kernel-2.2.2 rpm out.
> Be sure to read about rawhide though.  It is somewhat experimental...


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Fleming)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Can NT with NTFS coexist with RedHat Linux
Date: 2 Mar 1999 06:13:04 GMT

Hash: SHA1

I'm glad Jon Wiest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said this and not me..
> Michel Catudal wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >This is nonsense. When I compile the kernel I have the option to install
> NTFS support.
> >I have RedHat 5.2 with kernel 2.2.2 and I can read my NTFS partition
> without any
> >problem.
> Nonsense?  RedHat 5.2 is not the 2.2 kernel by default, it's 2.1.x.

No, it's 2.0.35. (upgrades to 2.0.36 available in .rpm format too)

> NTFS support was added in 2.2. Perhaps he didn't download the latest kernel.
> Who would, it's pretty buggy.

I did (2.2.2-ac5 here) and it's not unstable or horribly buggy at all.
It's _much_ quicker than 2.0.36 too.
> Jon

Michael Fleming.

- -- 
Michael Fleming -=(UDIC)=- Despam the Planet
WWW: | PGP: OEF8E582
Bill Gates isn't the Devil - Satan made sure Hell worked
before he opened it to the damned...

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard E. Hawkins Esq.)
Crossposted-To: gnu.misc.discuss,comp.unix.advocacy,comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Best Free Unix? (why FreeBSD?)
Date: 2 Mar 1999 10:36:18 -0600

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Bill Vermillion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>>I've typically seen it $100US, vs $100A ('strine), or $100CDN. 

>>Which, according to something I read years ago, would be redundant.

>So how would you distingiush 100 Canadian dollars from 100
>Australian dollars or 100 United States dollars.

purchasing power? :)

>>I can't back this up aat the moment (and it may be wrong, too :),
>>but my understanding is that the $ sign came from the superimposed
>>U and S (I forget what happned to the bottom part of the U).

>That would be all well and good if there were only one dollar on
>this planet, but times change.

I suppose we should have trademarked "dollar", instead of letting the
word out under a free license.

Hmm, and if we'd used the GPL, they could use it, but only if they also
had a president & bicameral congress, rather than Queen & parliament :)

These opinions will not be those of ISU until it pays my retainer.


From: "Norm Dresner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: One Linux "system" bootable on two different machines?
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1999 13:05:49 GMT

I need to create a Jaz disk that can be booted to linux on two different
machines with two different motherboards, video cards, ...  The only
constancy I can count on is that the SCSI Jaz drive will be the boot drive
for both machines.

I assume I can create two different kernels and choose which one to boot
thru LILO -- an alternate would be to boot to DOS with a floppy which then
uses the OS loader to load the right kernel.  Has anyone done this before?

As for the video, I need to run X-window on both computers.  Can I reliably
write a program which would look at the hardware and then copy/rename the
right set of configuration and server files for the appropriate computer?

        Thanks for any hints, suggestions, etc.



From: **Nick Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Open Email Relay Redhat 4.2
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 17:38:58 +0100

I believe you need a later version of sendmail.  Good luck.

|\ | o  _ |/                               Life's like a jigsaw
| \| | |_ |\                          You get the straight bits
                    But there's something missing in the middle

Nick Brown, Strasbourg, France (Nick(dot)Brown(at)coe(dot)fr)



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