Linux-Misc Digest #263, Volume #26                Wed, 8 Nov 00 08:13:03 EST

  Re: Trying to download symbolic links. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Linux/UNIX=Windows ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  GNU/Linux/Free OS Beginners Meeting Wednesday November 8 2000: Jim Gleason on 
Hardware for Free OSes ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: HELP!! Partition Magic Error 105. PartitionInfo inside: Please  (Jacques Guy)
  A Designated Bus Driver (Martin McCormick)
  still, backups via nfs ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: HELP!! Partition Magic Error 105. PartitionInfo inside: Please look!! (Anita 
  Re: HELP!! Partition Magic Error 105. PartitionInfo inside: Please look!! (Anita 
  making a copy of a machine? (Jean-Christian)
  Is this an IRQ problem? (bill g)
  Re: Me tryin' convince my company to use Samba ("Dietrich M.")
  Re: Gnome mime configuration not working..... ("Dr. Wolfgang Schneider")
  Linux and Change of server (cambio del server) (Ezio PAGLIA)
  Re: How to set proxy server for lynx (Jens Scheidtmann)
  Software RAID ("U. Siegel")


Subject: Re: Trying to download symbolic links.
Date: Wed, 08 Nov 2000 09:58:19 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Post) wrote:
> On Tue, 07 Nov 2000 10:02:09 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >Hello
> >
> >I am trying to download the files on the directory:
> >
> >
> >All the included files are symbolic links. I need the links, not the
> >files linked. I tried with several browsers and ftp programs (on
> >Windows and Linux) and I can no get the files: one program hung,
> >another lists but not download, other downloads the file linked... No
> >one download the link.
> >
> >Can it be done?
> Some ftp servers will allow you to request a tarball of a directory.
> you could try this:
> ftp
> cd /pub/CDK/1.2/cd/PowerPC/install
> binary
> get rpxlite.tar
> If the server supports it, you will get a file named rpxlite.tar that
> contain all the symbolic links, etc.  If the server does not support
it, you
> will get an error message about rpxlite.tar not being found.
> Mark Post
> Postmodern Consulting
> Information Technology and Systems Management Consulting
> To send me email, replace 'nospam' with 'home'.


The server does not give error, but I canīt get the file.

I try the linux ftp command: it goes to the Open Binary ... message and
stalls there.

I try with Netscape COmmunicator for linux and it starts, but it gets
blocked with the message: 7K read (stalled).


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Before you buy.


Subject: Re: Linux/UNIX=Windows
Date: Wed, 08 Nov 2000 09:58:21 GMT

In article <B3YN5.4113$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Mats Pettersson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As a side note. (not as harsh as it may sound :)
> I think GUI is highly underestimated in this newsgroup.
> As i see it, a GUI is not for stupid people not wanting to learn about
> computers. It's for doing a job (mostly computer unrelated) as fast
> effeciantly as possibly.

I disagree.
A GUI has it benefits but also it shortcomings of course that is the
same thing with everyting.
For desktop publishing I would prefer a GUI, that goes for mostly
everything that you need a complex visual input e.g. 3D modeling, try
to do that with file-editing :-)
IMHO I don't think that this newsgroup underestimates the GUI but we
see possabilities with the CLI that no windows user can.
The reason for this is that there isn't a good CLI in the Windows


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Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: GNU/Linux/Free OS Beginners Meeting Wednesday November 8 2000: Jim Gleason on 
Hardware for Free OSes
Date: 8 Nov 2000 05:13:45 -0500

This meeting is free and open to the public.

The meeting runs from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm.

Thanks to support of CALC/Canterbury, the meeting is in their space at
780 Third Avenue between 48th and 49th Streets on the East Side of
Manhattan.  Ask at the front desk for CALC/Canterbury, which is on
Concourse Level 1.

Subway stops:
IND E and F, the Lexington Avenue stop
IRT 6, the 51st Street stop

Official announcement below.

Jay Sulzberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Corresponding Secretary LXNY
LXNY is New York's Free Computing Organization.


Our next GNU/Linux/Free OS Beginners (GNUbies) meeting will be on Wednesday
Nov 8, 2000.  We are pleased to be able to have Jim Gleason from VA Linux
and of NYLUG fame ( who has been supporting GNU/Linux
and issues important to the free software community in so many ways.  He
has also helped us by passing on our announcements, announcing our
meetings, etc..

The topic will be "Linux Hardware" (see below) and the schedule is as

            Wednesday, November 8, 2000

                    6:30 Q&A 

                7:00 Jim Gleason
                 Linux Hardware

               780 Third Ave. C-1

There is a link to direction to CALC/Canterbury from our website at:

If you are planning on attending it would be very helpful if you would
follow the attendance link (exactly once per person attending) for this
meeting so that we can estimate attendance to determine how much space we
will need.

As usual the meeting is free and open to the public.

The following is the information provided for this Wednesday's


Q: How Do You Make Money Selling Free Software?
A: Linux Hardware

Jim Gleason, New York sales rep from VA Linux Systems, will expand on the
above question and answer and tell us everything a person would want to
know about hardware designed from the ground up to run Linux. Please
remember that Jim is not an engineer, but will do his best to answer your
technical questions.

Here are a few worthwhile links:

Tom's Hardware Guide
- separates hype from reality in new products

VA Linux Systems
- manufacturer of high quality servers, workstations and storage

The New York Linux Users Group
- mailing lists, meetings, installfests, events and all things 
Linux in the New York metro area


We hope to see you there.
GNU/Linux/Free OS Beginners' Group



Date: Wed, 08 Nov 2000 10:21:22 +0000
From: Jacques Guy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HELP!! Partition Magic Error 105. PartitionInfo inside: Please 

Nataraj Dasgupta wrote:
> Forget Partition Magic. 

Follow Nataraj's advice. Partition Magic is a useless
piece of software. Time and again (how many? four
times I think) I have been plagued by similar
problems. Always, always, Partition Magic gave
me horrendous error messages, no help whatsoever,
the prize going to an error message which was not
in the manual! Boot from a Linux diskette,  run
Linux fdisk,  go on from  there. Avoid MS fdisk
like the plague, unless you are keen to lose all
your data. Once, 4-5 years ago, MS-DOS decided that
I had no F: disk. The Norton Utilities (what a piece
of shit!) told me to do a low-level formatting.
So, stuffed for stuffed, I booted from a Linux
diskette (I knew bugger all about Linux, just
a little bit of Unix). Eventually, having found
the right /dev/hdax to mount, I could read, edit,
and copy the DOS files on my "lost" disk F:!
>From Linux. I eventually managed, all through
Linux, to re-enable F: (forgot how, posted it
on comp.linux.advocacy, but  DejaNews no longer
goes that far back).


Subject: A Designated Bus Driver
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Martin McCormick)
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2000 21:21:57 GMT

        The problem is this:  I am trying to reconfigure a kernel on a
system that I had not originally set up and things are fairly
straight-forward except for the SCSI adapter configuration.

        The output of dmesg tells me:

(scsi0) <Adaptec AHA-294X Ultra SCSI host adapter> found at PCI 19/0
(scsi0) Wide Channel, SCSI ID=7, 16/255 SCBs

        The kernel configuration choices consist of

Adaptec AHA152X/2825 support (CONFIG_SCSI_AHA152X)
Adaptec AHA1542 support (CONFIG_SCSI_AHA1542)
Adaptec AHA1740 support (CONFIG_SCSI_AHA1740)

        I know there is a choice that works because the system works
fine.  I am simply adding audio support which wasn't compiled in
originally as well as upgrading the kernel.

        Is there anything I can do to figure out what driver I need
that best fits the bus in use?

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
OSU Center for Computing and Information Services Data Communications Group


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Date: Wed, 08 Nov 2000 05:58:07 -0500
Subject: still, backups via nfs


Ok, I have my laptop and desktop linked via ethernet and nfs.

Part of the point of the exercise is to have a nice way to back up the
laptop and to restore it in case of catastrophe.

It's got three partitions: VFAT16 (Win98), HPFS (OS/2 Warp 4), RH 6.0,
coming to about 3G altogether.

[i] What's the best way to pile this stuff onto my desktop for storage and
ease of recovery using nfs? I assume somehow tar and gzip but I'm not sure
what incantation. Remember, there's little free space on the laptop though
there's plenty of room on the desktop so any swapping or temp files have
to park on the desktop.

[ii] Also, rough estimate, how long might I expect this to take, say, to
park a 1 Gig partition? The nfs connection is direct: cable from one
computer to the other.

[iii] I also need to consider my strategy for recovery: maybe a bootdisk
which can enable nfs?



     Felmon John Davis          
     [EMAIL PROTECTED]           
     [EMAIL PROTECTED]        
     Union College /  Schenectady, NY
     os/2 - ma kauft koi katz em sack


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anita Lewis)
Subject: Re: HELP!! Partition Magic Error 105. PartitionInfo inside: Please look!!
Date: Wed, 08 Nov 2000 11:08:51 GMT

On Tue, 07 Nov 2000 05:34:01 GMT, Brando wrote:
>I'm trying to recover my partition. I had it split up my 6GB HD into 2.5GB Windows98 
>3.5GB Linux (Mandrake 7.1). I just recently could not boot up into Linux. I got this 
>during bootup:
>> Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:05
>So, I was going to just remove the Linux partition and freshly install LM 7.2
>But, when I run Partition Magic Pro 6.0 in DOS, I get Error 105:
>> Error 105 Partition starts on wrong boundary
>> Cause of this problem:
>> The hard-disk partition table contains erroneous values. PartitionMagic expects
>> FAT, NTFS, and HPFS partitions to begin and end on the boundaries used by 
>> FDISK. If they  do not, the disk may be partially corrupted. In this circumstance, 
>> PartitionMagic were to make any modifications it might cause loss of data.
>> Therefore, PartitionMagic refuses to recognize any of the hard disk·s partitions.
>So what can I do to resize my Windows98 partition to the full size of the HD without
>damaging the Win98 partition?

You might be able to find the actual partition table by using gpart.  Then
you could use fdisk to rewrite the partition table.  I don't think it will
work to use linux fdisk to rewrite the table to extend it for windows,
because windows will not recognize it unless you use dos fdisk which wipes
out the data.  Hopefully if you use gpart you will find what the table
should be and fix the mess PM made.

You will need to get the binary version to put on a floppy and also get
Tom's linux to run a mini linux to use gpart.  The url for tom's is on the
gpart page.  On tom's there is also rescuept which gives you info on the
partition table, but I find it harder to use than what gpart gives.  You can
try both and compare.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anita Lewis)
Subject: Re: HELP!! Partition Magic Error 105. PartitionInfo inside: Please look!!
Date: Wed, 08 Nov 2000 11:33:47 GMT

On Wed, 08 Nov 2000 11:08:51 GMT, Anita Lewis wrote:
>On Tue, 07 Nov 2000 05:34:01 GMT, Brando wrote:
>>I'm trying to recover my partition. I had it split up my 6GB HD into 2.5GB Windows98 
>>3.5GB Linux (Mandrake 7.1). I just recently could not boot up into Linux. I got this 
>>during bootup:
>>> Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:05
>>So, I was going to just remove the Linux partition and freshly install LM 7.2
>>But, when I run Partition Magic Pro 6.0 in DOS, I get Error 105:
>>> Error 105 Partition starts on wrong boundary
>>> Cause of this problem:
>>> The hard-disk partition table contains erroneous values. PartitionMagic expects
>>> FAT, NTFS, and HPFS partitions to begin and end on the boundaries used by 
>>> FDISK. If they  do not, the disk may be partially corrupted. In this circumstance, 
>>> PartitionMagic were to make any modifications it might cause loss of data.
>>> Therefore, PartitionMagic refuses to recognize any of the hard disk·s partitions.
>>So what can I do to resize my Windows98 partition to the full size of the HD without
>>damaging the Win98 partition?
>You might be able to find the actual partition table by using gpart.  Then
>you could use fdisk to rewrite the partition table.  I don't think it will
>work to use linux fdisk to rewrite the table to extend it for windows,
>because windows will not recognize it unless you use dos fdisk which wipes
>out the data.  Hopefully if you use gpart you will find what the table
>should be and fix the mess PM made.
>You will need to get the binary version to put on a floppy and also get
>Tom's linux to run a mini linux to use gpart.  The url for tom's is on the
>gpart page.  On tom's there is also rescuept which gives you info on the
>partition table, but I find it harder to use than what gpart gives.  You can
>try both and compare.
Actually, although PM is refusing to recognize the partitions, does Windows
boot?  If it does, you might run into problems if you mess with that
partition using fdisk.  If Windows boots, then try running Tom's linux and
try mounting your partitions.  Do 'fdisk -l' to see what fdisk says you have
for partitions.  

The original problem could be that /boot is on a cylinder above 1024,
although most drives are set so that you would have to have 8 Gig to exceed
that.  I have a 4 Gig that exceeds it though.  If that is the case, then you
might have it boot sometimes and sometimes not, depending on where /boot is. 
So be sure to look at the cylinders too when you do fdisk -l.  

If Tom's shows you the partition table, and the cylinders look good, you
might just try reinstalling linux on the same partitions.  If the cylinders
are not good for you, then you will need to make a /boot in a small 20 meg
space below 1024 and then reinstall.  Write down what 'fdisk -l' produces
and compare it to PM and what you think you made with it.  



From: Jean-Christian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: making a copy of a machine?
Date: Wed, 08 Nov 2000 11:46:18 GMT

Hi have a linux machine that I would like to replicate (i.e. copy the
machine). The machine I wish to replicate onto doesn't have the exact
same hardware but is nnoetheless very similar. How would I do this?



From: bill g <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Is this an IRQ problem?
Date: Wed, 08 Nov 2000 05:54:21 -0600

Mandrake 7.2. After I run startx and the KDE desktop
completely loads, in about 30 seconds my mouse and keyboard
freeze. This happened after installing alsa and running
sndconf. I've tried doing interactive boot and entering "N"
when prompted for starting the sound module but it still
freezes. Is there a way to check the IRQ's in console,
and/or figure out and disable whatever is loading that
causes the hang?
Bill G


From: "Dietrich M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Me tryin' convince my company to use Samba
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 11:29:11 +0100

2 posibilities:
    1: create a 100 MB file (dd if=... of=... bs=... count=...)
        and copy it to/from a mounted share of one of your clients
    2: use smbmnt; it is very similar to ftp (get put)

"YY Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Is there a way to create Word97 document with mactro to display
> downloading time from a NT file server and Linux running Samba so to
> prove which is really faster?


From: "Dr. Wolfgang Schneider" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Gnome mime configuration not working.....
Date: Wed, 08 Nov 2000 15:06:24 +0100

Belldandy wrote:
> My mime config for Acrobat Reader isn't working as I expected,
> my entry is: /usr/local/Acrobat4/bin/acroread %f
> The file manager keeps reporting unable to open file with
> the executable. I'm sure the executable path is correct,
> anyone know what to do? Thanks.....

I could fix the problem by putting the Acrobat directory in the path and
insert just 'acroread %f'
in the user.keys file in the .gnome/mime-info directory.

Dr. Wolfgang Schneider
Schneider Consulting, Ludwigstr. 69, 64331 Weiterstadt
Tel. 06150-187642, Mobil: 0173-8532336, Email:


Crossposted-To: ;,comp.os.linux.setup,;,comp.os.linux.hardware,;,it.comp.os.linux.sys
Subject: Linux and Change of server (cambio del server)
Date: Wed, 08 Nov 2000 12:18:54 GMT

Dear linux guru's and masters,

through your kind help, we learned how to make backups and rescue
diskette in order to restart our system in case of crash.

Yet our present aim would be to study the actions needed in case of
change of the server. Suppose you strongly touched a lot a
applications : DNS, sendmail, procmail, web server, perl applications,
news server, ftp area, web server and web pages.

Practically I need to change only the disk device, the ethernet card
and so, but the software would remain the same.

What to do ?
Thank you.

Versione per il newsgroup italiano:

Cari amministratori linux,

grazie anche al vostro aiuto, abbiamo imparato i meccanismi di
ripartenza, ricostruendoci una rescue diskette con il kernel,
applicando i moduli opportuni etc.

Pero' ora mi chiedo che cosa fare se in caso di crash bisogna cambiare
macchina oppure in ogni caso vorremmo cambiare disco con quello di
un'altra tecnologia. Supponete che abbiamo toccato fortemente ed in
maniera a volte difficile elementi del sistema e che quindi quello che
e' nel salvataggio completo ci interessa fortemente. Non e' cioe'
fattibile rifare da capo gli ambienti di dns, sendmail, procmail,
webserver, news server, squid, ftp etc.

Cosa occorre fare per trasportare il sistema su un nuovo disco ?



From: Jens Scheidtmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to set proxy server for lynx
Date: 08 Nov 2000 13:34:28 +0100

"Y W Wong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Any one know that how to set proxy for lynx since I would like to use it in
> my office's intranet.

Set the http_proxy and ftp_proxy environment variables according to
your set-up.



Jens Scheidtmann


From: "U. Siegel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system,comp.os.linux.hardware,alt.linux
Subject: Software RAID
Date: Wed, 08 Nov 2000 13:34:06 +0100

Hi folks,
anybody out there having experience with Software-RAID?



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