Linux-Misc Digest #269, Volume #26                Wed, 8 Nov 00 23:13:02 EST

  How to uninstall Netscape 4.75 ? (Arctic Storm)
  Re: HELP!! Partition Magic Error 105. PartitionInfo inside: Please  (Michel Catudal)
  Re: running telnet automatically (Sean)
  eth0 not conn to external modem ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: How to uninstall Netscape 4.75 ? (Michel Catudal)
  How do you fix a reboot + fsck problem? (Michel Catudal)
  Re: Samba error login win98 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: rpm catch-22 ("G Pollack")
  Re: Serial port interface for tty? (John Hasler)
  Re: Linux/UNIX=Windows ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: is linux good for graphic design? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Telnet to RedHat 7 ("Cliff J.")
  Re: kde2 on RH 6.2 (Dan Amborn)
  fetch Apple qt(v3 or v4) videofiles in linux? ("macefindu")


From: Arctic Storm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: How to uninstall Netscape 4.75 ?
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 02:24:50 GMT

I just downloaded Netscopae 4.76 and installed it.
How do I uninstall the older version?  Netscape 4.75?
I want to reclaim some hard drive space by removing version 4.75.
And also, how can I make 4.76 launch when I click on the Netscape icon
on the command bar?



From: Michel Catudal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HELP!! Partition Magic Error 105. PartitionInfo inside: Please 
Date: 8 Nov 2000 20:57:10 -0600

Jacques Guy a écrit :
> Nataraj Dasgupta wrote:
> > Forget Partition Magic.
> [...]
> Follow Nataraj's advice. Partition Magic is a useless
> piece of software. Time and again (how many? four
> times I think) I have been plagued by similar
> problems. Always, always, Partition Magic gave
> me horrendous error messages, no help whatsoever,
> the prize going to an error message which was not
> in the manual! Boot from a Linux diskette,  run
> Linux fdisk,  go on from  there. Avoid MS fdisk
> like the plague, unless you are keen to lose all
> your data. Once, 4-5 years ago, MS-DOS decided that
> I had no F: disk. The Norton Utilities (what a piece
> of shit!) told me to do a low-level formatting.
> So, stuffed for stuffed, I booted from a Linux
> diskette (I knew bugger all about Linux, just
> a little bit of Unix). Eventually, having found
> the right /dev/hdax to mount, I could read, edit,
> and copy the DOS files on my "lost" disk F:!
> From Linux. I eventually managed, all through
> Linux, to re-enable F: (forgot how, posted it
> on comp.linux.advocacy, but  DejaNews no longer
> goes that far back).

This is all bullshit!

If you use ONLY partition magic to do the partitioning you will
have no problem. I have partitioned a lot of hard disks and not
once I have ever had partition magic fuck up on my systems. 
I had two problems related to partioning in the past couple of years
1- When Corel Linux got installed it blew my partition table and neither
OS/2 nor partiton magic were able to read, I don't remember the error
number, perhaps 104 or 105. It turned out that Corel seemed  to have
written over a partition boundary. I did the hard fix, I booted from diskette
under SuSE and saved my dat onto another hard disk, I then proceeded
to recreate a dos partition table and reinstall OS/2 as well as SuSE Linux.
2-Win NT 4.0 was installed onto the first partition of around 2G on an
8G partition (1027 cylinders in LBA).
When running NT fdisk it put his mark which turned out that that mark was
the zapping of a 3G linux partition sitting on the end of the drive.
I wiped winblows NT and used the CD as a coaster.
The partition table was blown.

Please stop the nonsense about PM. It may not be a perfect software package
but by experience I found it to be one of the very best such software on
the market as it supports several operation systems. Unlike the fdisk of
Linux I don't have any weird surprises with OS/2 or DOS. I can do basically
what I want with PM.

Tired of Microsoft's rebootive multitasking?
then it's time to upgrade to Linux.
We have software, food, music, news, search,
history, electronics and genealogy pages.


Subject: Re: running telnet automatically
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 02:59:30 GMT

> I'm trying to develop a Perl script that connects on a remote host using
> telnet, logs in, runs some commands and logs out. The commands' outputs
> will be processed by the script and then printed. This script must run
> in a web server (Apache).
> Does it worth to use sockets in the Perl script? Or is there any
> solution to automatize the running of commands through telnet (maybe
> using telnet scripts...)?
> Thanks.
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

I have researched the same subject. You cannot directly access the
telnet application with a Perl script b/c telnet is a user 'interactive'
application. Strange thing is, ftp has built in support for seperate
scripts and it seems just as interactive as telnet.

Anyway, the best solution is to use the Perl telnet module. I believe it
is called Search for it. It has the telnet protocols built
into the module so that it doesn't need the 'interactive'
/usr/bin/telnet application to operate.



Subject: eth0 not conn to external modem
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 03:00:44 GMT

I am have great difficultly getting my network card to come up.  I
have an internal NIC that uses the tulip driver.  I have checked the
proc/pci and found the card listed in there.  When I do an lsmod I
find tulip installed.  When I do an ifconfig eth0 up, it returns fine.
When I do ifconfig again it lists the information minus the inet
address.  When I do the lsmod again tulip reports "Used by 1".  The
IRQ is 5 and io base address is 8c00.  No other device is conflicting
with the IRQ.  Now correct me if I am wrong but should not the light
on the back of the card turn on when the card is brought up.  If so,
why is it not coming on.  Even when it is connected to my external
cable modem it doesn't turn on. 

I am running Debian 2.2.  I have read, among other things, an article
from Byte magazine which I found a link to in the mailing list

Some one please help, I have been working on this for a couple of
weeks and am getting discouraged.



From: Michel Catudal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: How to uninstall Netscape 4.75 ?
Date: 8 Nov 2000 21:03:04 -0600

Arctic Storm a écrit :
> I just downloaded Netscopae 4.76 and installed it.
> How do I uninstall the older version?  Netscape 4.75?
> I want to reclaim some hard drive space by removing version 4.75.
> And also, how can I make 4.76 launch when I click on the Netscape icon
> on the command bar?

Which distribution are you using?

If you installed RPM version you don't need be concerned as it should be replaced
with the new version. If you installed the tar version just delete the .old
files and directories.

Tired of Microsoft's rebootive multitasking?
then it's time to upgrade to Linux.
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history, electronics and genealogy pages.


From: Michel Catudal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: How do you fix a reboot + fsck problem?
Date: 8 Nov 2000 21:11:09 -0600

When I had the screensaver installed I would get deadly crashes. 
Not wanting a forced fsck on reboot just because the X was crashed I gave
it a software reboot command and told it not to do fsck. On the next boot
it gave me a warning that there was some problem on one of the disk so I figured
out that the crash of X did more than just keep me from accessing the keyboard
and mouse. I was logged in telnet thru my son's computer not being able to
do anything on my PC.
One time trying to reboot without succes I was trying different reboot commands
which I don't remember. Anyhow what happens now is that everytime the PC reboots
it does a fsck whether there is a clean shutdown or a crash.

Which script have the offending code that force this bullshit?

This is on SuSE professionnal version 7.0

I have allready asked for help at SuSE but from what I see they only interested
in receiving my checks and no more. The distribution is good but the service
is useless.

Tired of Microsoft's rebootive multitasking?
then it's time to upgrade to Linux.
We have software, food, music, news, search,
history, electronics and genealogy pages.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.unix.solaris
Subject: Re: Samba error login win98
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2000 10:53:20 GMT

: hello i need help with my samba setup. I setup my samba server on a
: redhat 6.2 . it runs fine i could run the client and everything. where
: i'm having trouble is the network password for sharing a folder.

Win98 uses encryted passwords.

You have to add the following to the smb.conf file.

: here's a sample of my smb.conf file

: [global]
:       workgroup = cs
:       server string = localhost   # computer name
:       securtiy = SHARE
        encrypt passwords = yes.

There comes documentation with samba, that explaines how to set 
it up with encrypted passwords.


Microsoft is NOT the answer. Microsoft is the Question.
The answer is: "NO!"
Friedhelm Mehnert,  Berliner Allee 42,  22850 Norderstedt,  Germany
phone + fax: +49-40-5236562        email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "G Pollack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: rpm catch-22
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 03:19:17 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Villy Kruse) wrote:

> Redhat do have an upgrade for rpm which you can install in RH5.x  and
> RH6.x  which is found in the respective redhat upgrade archives. These
> were release to support the new format.
> Villy

Thanks - that's what I needed.


From: John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.questions
Subject: Re: Serial port interface for tty?
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2000 02:01:28 GMT

redhouse wrote:
> I need to connect to a "craft port", which is a com port used for
> console access to an embedded system.

Use minicom or seyon.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin


Subject: Re: Linux/UNIX=Windows
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 03:19:44 GMT

"Mats Pettersson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev i meddelandet
> news:eg3O5.133821$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > > As a side note. (not as harsh as it may sound :)
> > >
> > > I think GUI is highly underestimated in this newsgroup.
> > >
> > > As i see it, a GUI is not for stupid people not wanting to learn
> > > about computers. It's for doing a job (mostly computer unrelated) as
> > > fast and effeciantly as possibly.
> >
> > The problem is that this _isn't true_.
> Ok,ok! It's not entierly ture. :)
> I don't mean that a GUI is the best solution in all cases, but in many. I
> would like to see our photographers adjust pictures and making cutouts using
> a text-based CLI. :)

I certainly wouldn't disagree that there are places where a Graphical
User Interface will represent a "best solution" to providing a user
interface to a computer system.

My objection is to the claim of GUIs inherently introducing some form
of "improved speed."

In the case of doing cutouts of photographs, the GUI brings to the
table the ability to have an Inherently Better Abstraction for
manipulating the pictures.  Similar would be true were we to speak of
air traffic controllers.

In contrast, the same is not necessarily true if we were to speak of,
in contrast, some form of "transactional" system like an accounting
system where the nature of the application is not so inherently tied
to what, for lack of thought of a better term, I'll call "geography."

With an accounting system, it will _surely__ be more efficient
[counting Therbligs; see "Therbligs: The Keys to Simplifying Work"
<>] to enter numbers
on a menu screen looking like:

1. G/L     4.  Payroll
2. A/R     5.  Sales
3. A/P     6.  Inventory

[_] Enter 1-6, or Esc to exit

As compared to having to mouse around to click on icons or to pull
down menus.

Counting the milliseconds, it will take fewer milliseconds to press
"2" than it does to move your hand away from the keyboard, grab the
mouse, negotiate a path to the right spot, and then click on the "A/R"

> If you just running a server it may be even better to leave the GUI
> out, instead of letting it take up resources from disk and memory.

There's a quote out there to the effect that "all computing may be
characterized as a special case of caching."

Splitting the GUI off changes the sorts of caching that are possible,
as does the opposite action of tightening together the GUI and the
rest of the application.

> However to show that i'm not just wining, i like to say that i downloaded
> KDE2 the other day and it looked real nice, even the "office" pack that came
> with it. I managed to crash the illustrator-killer though. :)

[Smart-aleck-spelling comment: based on the sloppy spelling, there's
 some indication that you may well have been wining, and have consumed
 a lot of wine.  :-].  

 It's fun when someone misspells something and the result may be
 misinterpreted to mean something _entirely__ different from what was
 intended!  ;-)]

> I hope the guys at KDE keeps up the good work.

Hopefully the results get a bit more stable.
(concatenate 'string "cbbrowne" "")
Rules of the Evil Overlord #158. "I will exchange the labels on my
folder of top-secret plans and my folder of family recipes. Imagine
the hero's surprise when he decodes the stolen plans and finds
instructions for Grandma's Potato Salad."


Subject: Re: OK, [CENSOR] MOUSE!
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 03:19:47 GMT

> Shan J. Gill wrote:
> > For background:
> > How is your mouse cursor config'd in the XF86Config file - hardware or
> > software?
> uh.huh?  what or where is xfe8config? sorry, i m alittle new to
> linux, A TOTAL DUMBASS! (no flaming please, my first post in a linux
> group anyway)

Not to be _too_ pointed about it; "spelling flames" are frowned on;
this is a case where Spelling Counts.

- The file you're after is very probably found as /etc/X11/XF86Config

- You will need to log in as the "root" user in order to modify it.

- If you're planning to mess around with a config file, it is often a
  good idea to make a backup copy.  [Look up "Mabel the Swimming
  Wonder Monkey" for a sad, TRUE story about the importance of this;
  poor Mabel, subject of millions of dollars in research efforts, was
  _killed_ when an engineer started messing around with the computer
  controlling breathing apparatus.]  

  My preference is to use RCS for this; you might start by doing:
# cd /etc/X11
# ci -l XF86Config
XF86Config,v  <-- XF86Config 
enter description, terminated with single '.' or end of file:
NOTE: This is NOT the log message!
>> I'll be messing with this now...
>> .
initial revision: 1.1

That way, if disaster strikes, and you Mess Things Up, you could do:
# co -l XF86Config
XF86Config,v  -->  XF86Config
revision 1.1 (locked)
writable t1.htm exists; remove it? [ny](n):Y

And have the previous copy back.

After making changes you are are happy with, or at some point where
you're _about_ to make a risky change, you might want to check it in,
thereby generating a new version, and providing a history so that you
can roll back to old versions and compare between them.

# man ci
# man co
# man rcsdiff
# man rlog
for further details...

> > Check under your video display settings - what does it say?  Do you see
> > "sw_cursor"?
> cant answer that until i know where to look for it.
> the only thing i know about my hardware is in the um.... configuration 
> utility, my mouse was detected by orginal setting, its a first mouse +, 
> it "is" detected, and works fine, i just dont know how come it doesnt show 
> the cursor, can you or anyone help me get my cursor back?

One more possibility:

There is a text mouse controller program that may be running which
might interfere with X; its name is "gpm."

You can cause it to stop, if it's running, by (as root) running the
# gpm -k
[where "-k" is a fairly common convention to have a program "kill" a

> and by the way, if anyone have time, show me how to set up my modem,
> or something so i can do some dial up for my internet.  like in
> windows, the file is .dun, with the PPP, and stuff, but in linux, i
> see no SLIP(duh, it should have it in linux, but i dont see it
> anywhere in the modem settings), i see something like...SAP, or
> terminal window, etc.

SLIP is no longer in widespread use, by default; PPP is _so_ much more
common these days.  You might have to recompile the kernel to use it;
I've not used it in five years so I do not recall offhand.

Your distribution may include a tool to help configure PPP; look for
such programs as:
(concatenate 'string "cbbrowne" "")
"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however
improbable, must be the truth." -- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930),
English author. Sherlock Holmes, in The Sign of Four, ch. 6 (1889).
[...but see the Holmesian Fallacy, due to Bob Frankston...


Subject: Re: is linux good for graphic design?
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 03:19:51 GMT

Doug Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I would do anything to drive bill into the ground. So I want to use linux. 
> Is it any good for doing graphic production? And do I need a special 
> version of all my software to use it on linux?

The usual candidate that is commended for "Graphic Production" is The
Gimp <>...  It tends to get compared to Adobe
PhotoShop, but don't say I told you Gimp's "just like it."

Corel has recently released CorelDraw! running on Linux; if you
consider CorelDraw! to be a good candidate for use on Wintel, it may
be a reasonable thing to try on Linux.
(concatenate 'string "cbbrowne" "")
"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however
improbable, must be the truth." -- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930),
English author. Sherlock Holmes, in The Sign of Four, ch. 6 (1889).
[...but see the Holmesian Fallacy, due to Bob Frankston...


From: "Cliff J." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Telnet to RedHat 7
Date: Wed, 08 Nov 2000 21:31:35 -0600

For Red Hat 7, you can do it simply using 'linuxconf' under services.

DualIP wrote:

> On Mon, 6 Nov 2000 02:42:02 -0500, Bob Hutzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >I used to run a Caldera OpenLinux system where the default install allowed me
> >to telnet into my system and log in remotely. I'm now running RedHat 7 and when
> >I telnet my ip address the response I receive everytime is Connection Refused.
> >What configuration file do I need to look into to allow logins from remote
> >terminals. Thanks for any help, Bob
> in RH62:
> /etc/inetd.conf
> Also obvious the telnet deamon should be installed
> DualIP


From: Dan Amborn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: kde2 on RH 6.2
Date: Wed, 08 Nov 2000 21:06:33 -0600

On Tue, 07 Nov 2000 11:32:19 -0500, Ramin Sina

>Now that kde2 rpms are available for RH 6.2 (
>   if anyone is interested), I was
>wondering if anyone has had any problems after upgrading or should I
>expect a smooth upgrade?
>Ramin Sina
>Kernel  2.2.16-3

Worked good for me.  I removed the old RPMs first and then did the
upgrade.  No problems at all.


Dan Amborn

Yoda of Borg are we: Futile is resistance. Assimilate you, we will.


From: "macefindu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: fetch Apple qt(v3 or v4) videofiles in linux?
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 00:54:31 +0300

in wondoze we must use netscape+qt plugin so the file can be downloaded to
windoze\internet-temp directory. ie:




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