Linux-Misc Digest #81, Volume #27                Sun, 11 Feb 01 09:13:02 EST

  Re: Linux / Siemens scenic mobile 700 (David E. Fox)
  Re: MS to Enforce Registration - or Else ("Tom Wilson")
  Re: How to restore LILO and how to boot from floppy (Michael Heiming)
  Re: A Beginner Asks About Linux ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Please visit my 3D graphics site (riceman)
  CD-ROM questions. (Yiu)
  Kernel access to Flash-ROM ? ("C. Lechner")
  PLD? (Harlan Grove)
  Re: *U r g e n t* (Roger Leigh)
  console blanking and 2.4.1 (Christian Stocker)
  Re: xv_get_sel alike tools for Linux (Marc D. Williams)
  Re: help with configuring ssh server to support both ssh1 and ssh2 (Jean-David Beyer)
  Re: Optimize for Speed? (eric the brave)
  IP Masquerade ? (Eric Chow)
  Re: Boot-Cd ("Tauno Voipio")
  Re: CD-ROM questions. ("Tauno Voipio")
  Re: How to restore LILO and how to boot from floppy (Don McKenzie)
  bash history (Brian Goodyear)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David E. Fox)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: Linux / Siemens scenic mobile 700
Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2001 12:48:31 -0800

On Fri, 09 Feb 2001 17:25:23 +0000, fernando <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I have an old Siemens Scenic Mobile 700 notebook with a C&T65550 chipset
>and I still can't setup X.
>Anyone out there with the same old notebook who can help me?

I just completed an assignment at Entex IT Service (a Siemens company). We
had several linuxers in our office -- if you contact me by email I might
try and get you some help. We had a few Scenic Mobile's (I used a Siemens
desktop machine) in the office, but they all ran Windows.

Failing that, see if the underlying chipset is supported by Is
it, for instance, listed as a choice in Xconfigurator?

David E. Fox                              Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                            change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               on your hard disk.


From: "Tom Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: MS to Enforce Registration - or Else
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 08:32:34 GMT

"The Ghost In The Machine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> In comp.os.linux.advocacy, John Hasler
>  wrote
> on Sat, 10 Feb 2001 13:52:31 GMT
> >Stefan Ohlsson writes:
> >> I know the atheists have a theory that man will develop to a super-man
> >> that can travel back in time and will create it all. That's the simple
> >> version anyway. I know, sounds weird.
> >
> >Who are "the" atheists?
> >
> >Steve Mading writes:
> >> Are you being deliberately silly?
> >
> >Well, it isn't as silly as the old guy with the beard.
> Hey!  I have a beard, and I'm not old!  :-)
> (Just because I can remember the VMS commands to compile FORTRAN and
> COBOL programs back in the mid-80's......)

Face it...We're getting there. (Reliving compilation commands for RPG under


Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 09:37:14 +0100
From: Michael Heiming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.windows95
Subject: Re: How to restore LILO and how to boot from floppy

Jianxin Wang wrote:

> Hi, there, I have Linux Mandrak7.0 installed on my PC and I just
> upgraded my windows95 to windows98. After upgrading, I can no longer
> boot into linux,I can only boot windows98. I tried to boot from the
> linux start up disk,but my PC ignores the floppy! The floppy drive works
> fine and the machine reads the floppy at start up, but it still boot
> windows98! I guess maybe I should run a CMOS set up to check the boot
> sequence of all my disk drives and make the floppy drive the first drive
> to boot, but to my surprise, my computer asks me for a password like
> this:"Please enter current password: ". I have never set a password on
> the CMOS set up therefore I am not able to run the CMOS set up.
> I check the motherboard mannual for help. It says that I have to drain
> the CMOS memory. I tried to look for a battery on the motherboard but I
> can not find anything that looks like a battery! Please help.
> Jason


most times there is a small DIP interruptor or some kind of calliper on
your mobo, described in the
doc that makes it possible to reset BIOS pwd, check your manual again
(perhaps the online version)
are you sure that the manual is really the right one for your mobo?

Ask there were you bought the machine from, perhaps they put in a pwd and
know it.

Good luck

Michael Heiming


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A Beginner Asks About Linux
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 10:37:02 +0100

Vladimir Florinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > subsequently based on RedHat.  RedHat 7.0 had minor bugs here and there,
>> Minor! Being completely binary incompatible with every other linux
>> distro before or after is "minor"!!!

> Well, compatibility isn't a strong side of Linux. Upgrade the kernel, and you
> will likely need to install new modules and software that depends on them; do a

That's an upgrade, and the rest of your system will stay compatible ..
my slackware 3.0 with lbc 5.4.38 is flying fine with kernel 2.4.0.

> major kernel upgrade and you need to replace a lot of your system software. And

No, I replaced precisely modutils - which treats only of kernel

Mind you, later I decided to get busy and updated util-linux, binutils
and psmisc. Not necessary, but comfortable. I'll update pppd if I ever
need it.

> glibc changes so rapidly that user software compiled a year ago will likely not
> run with your new libc. I actually think it's a good thing because the

Quite possibly .. I haven't changed to glibc and have no intention of
doing so for a long while yet. (I am using it as an alternative
platform for developing - one of the many I use in order to maintain
genericity in code).

> developers are free to change the OS design, and not worry about compatibility
> issues.

Well, they should worry, because I complain, and people don't like it
when I complain, usually!

> As for binary compatibility with other Linux distros, this is not an issue. I

It certainly IS.

> have no idea if my RH6.1 system is binary compatible with this or that version
> of SuSE or Debian, and I couldn't care less. People usually compile their own

Then you should. People don't usually compile their own and making
incompatible binaries that don't even work with their own RH 6.2 is
just gratuitously POing the userbase (which anyway, was a bunch of
puzzled ex-newbies who just don't count ... :-).

> and commercial software is available for all major distributions.

I wouldn't know - or care. But I can bet that java from sun won't work
for RH 7; even if it appears to after a lot of work by the RH folks,
there are things in it that break that they just ain't found yet.
RMI? Corba? SSL? ...

Fragmenting the base is idiocy - they've essentially tried to cut their
userbase off from the rest of the linux world, presumably in order to
defend their market share. It cuts the rest of the world off from 
them too .. and thus nobody can copy their setup so easily again
and build off of their distro. I suppose that never entered their
heads. But then it makes for two linux ix86 architectures .. RH
and non-RH. To the rest of the world it's unix in-fighting again.



From: riceman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Please visit my 3D graphics site
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 10:01:45 GMT

Your Flash is broken.

Robert Francois wrote:

> --
> Greetz,
> Bernard François -


Subject: CD-ROM questions.
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 17:18:16 +0800

I have use the "mount /dev/cdrom" to mount my CD-ROM drive. But how
could I access the files? What should the correct mount command be and
which location does the contents inside the CD locate?



From: "C. Lechner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Kernel access to Flash-ROM ?
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 11:42:02 +0100


is there a way to access a Flash-Memory w/ 64 MB like a hard disk.
Currently there's a WinCE running on the system (i486) and now there
should run Linux. I also need to boot of the Flash-ROM.

- C. Lechner


From: Harlan Grove <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PLD?
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 11:32:20 GMT

Having spent a bit of time this weekend at, I've noticed
there's a distro called the Polish(ed) Linux Distribution. I've read
their web pages, so I know it's intended to be a Polish distro, but it
seems to support English. It looks like the ideal replacement for Red
Hat 6.0 with motley upgrades (everything up to date with gcc-2.95 rather
than 2.96). Is anyone familiar with it? [I know they're a crutch, but
I've gotten used to RPMs. At the moment I'm not ready to consider Debian
or Slackware.]

Sent via


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Roger Leigh)
Subject: Re: *U r g e n t*
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 01:19:37 +0000

On Thu, 08 Feb 2001 02:54:46 -0800, Nitin Sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I do not have access to Internet Newsgroups, would you please send your
>responses by e-mail.

Hmm, this is not the best way to get an answer on Usenet. Post to one
newsgroup only, and don't request a reply by email: that's not what
Usenet is for.

>Here's my query:
>Upon recompiling the Linux Operating system (say, TurboLinux/RedHat)
>to produce RPMs (or regular non-RPM binaries), how do I create an installable
>CD/disk containing that build? An urgent reponse would be appreciated.
>Thank you.

What question are you asking?
Are you compiling just the kernel, or an entire distribution?
What are you actually wanting RPMs for? [What the heck is a non-RPM
binary? Binaries are ELF, not RPM; RPM is a _binary package_ format]
What are you trying to package, exactly?
What do you mean by an installable CD/disk? A disk with binary packages
on it (e.g. RPM), or a bootable disk (which might have it's own
installer program, or a cut-down kernel with a custom initrd to run the
installer from)?

If you ask a more specific question, someone might be able to answer it.


Roger Leigh ** Registration Number: 151826, **
Need Epson Stylus Utilities?
For GPG Public Key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] or see public keyservers.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christian Stocker)
Subject: console blanking and 2.4.1
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 12:25:47 GMT


Since I installed Kernel 2.4.1 on our server, the monitor does not
turn itself off after some minutes off inactivity... The screen goes
blank, but the monitor stays turned on...

Until and including 2.4.0 it worked fine. Monitor shut down, as soon
as the screen (console) went blank. There's no X on the thing, so that
should not be the problem. And i used the same .config for 2.4.0 and
2.4.1. ACPI is turned off. APM on. but it makes no differences if i
use APM or not (in 2.4.0 and in 2.4.1)

Any Idea where the problem could be? It has to be somewhere in the
kernel, 'cause i didn't change anything on the system elsewhere and it
still works with 2.4.0. But i have no idea where to look at in the

i use SuSE 7.0 and iIt's a Cyrix 200 Mhz. I don't know what kind of
bios, but i can have a look, if that's important (i tried different
settings there in the APM settings, but nothing helped neither)

Thanks for any hints/help.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marc D. Williams)
Subject: Re: xv_get_sel alike tools for Linux
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 12:27:13 -0000

On 09 Feb 2001 00:23:05 -0400, * Tong * wrote:
>> >
>> >I'm looking for xv_get_sel alike tools for Linux. 
>> >
>> Would this be something like xclipboard maybe (standard with X)?
>> Then there's xfilesel which I guess copies a selection to a file
>> and back to an X selection.
>Thanks, what I am really looking for is *command line* tools so that
>I can easily use them within my script. Sorry I didn't make myself
>clear at the first place.
The closest thing I found so far is xsel. Apparently it can be used
in scripts and whatnot. I only gave it a quick look-at just now.
Even though it's command line some little window pops up and then
exits. Not sure what that's for yet. Still not the same as

It's a single xsel.c file.

><smile>, not like that, I like it a lot, just do want to do aimless
>searching... :-) 
>BTW, I hate the freshmeat's new interface though. last time I search
>for ical but I got tons of hits but none of them is ical. :-) Try it
>and you'll know.
I rarely go there myself. Instead I use their appindex console
program and download the appindex.db periodically.
This way I get to search for programs without dealing with the web,
and their interface.
It will also search an LSM database.
Nifty little program.



From: Jean-David Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: help with configuring ssh server to support both ssh1 and ssh2
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 07:29:59 -0500

Hung Ngoc Lai wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am currently running Secure Shell (SSH) version 2.0.13 server
> on RedHat Linux version 6.1 with kernel 2.2.18.  At the moment,
> I have to support ssh clients running on Microsoft Windows using
> SecureCRT 3.2 and F-Secure SSH version 1.0.  SecureCRT 3.12
> supports ssh version 2.0.13 so I am OK there.  However,
> F-secure SSH for windows only supports SSH version 1.  I've
> configured the SSH server on the linux box to support both
> version 1 and 2 of ssh (ie. by modifying the configuration file
> sshd2_config to support Ssh1Compatibility);  I could NOT logon
> to the linux box using F-Secure SSH.  I have the same
> problem with SecureCRT if I choose SSH1 connection.  This the
> message I got back from the SSH server:
> Unsupported protocol version received from remote SSH server
> (SSH-2.0-2.0.13).  Please not that SSH2 servers can be configured
> to accept SSH1 connections.
> Can anyone show me how to to make my SSH2 server to accept SSH1
> connection?  Many thanks.......
Have you looked at openSSH and openSSL?

 .~.  Jean-David Beyer           Registered Linux User 85642.
 /V\                             Registered Machine    73926.
/( )\ Shrewsbury, New Jersey
^^-^^ 7:25am up 13 days, 15:53, 3 users, load average: 3.06, 3.12, 3.00


From: eric the brave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Optimize for Speed?
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 12:38:12 +0000

philriou wrote:
>    Part 1.1    Type: Plain Text (text/plain)
>            Encoding: 7bit

Nice Troll. Bit inaccurate though...

SimonB - South Wales.


From: Eric Chow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IP Masquerade ?
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 12:35:39 GMT


Would you please to teach me how to setup IP-Masquerade in Linux ?
Would you please to teach me step by step ?

And also, how can my Modem automatic to dialup when Linux start ?
Would you please to show me a script to do this with auto login ?

Best regards,

Sent via


From: "Tauno Voipio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Boot-Cd
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 13:23:50 GMT

"Oliver Wiegand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Dirk Riebesell wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > Does anybody have any experiences in Bootable-CDs under Linux. I Try to
> > start my complete little Server (only Daemons) from a CD. KOnCD supports
> > Linux boot-cd. But how to prepare??? I need an Bootimage file,
> > or what file ???
> >

The boot image on an El Torito (bootable) CD is a normal bootable floppy
image (720 k, 1.44 M or 2.88 M). The floppy drive is replaced by BIOS with
the boot diskette image for the boot process.

For creating a boot diskette see Bootdisk-HOWTO. The 2.88 M diskette image
can be created as a image file which is mounted using the -o loop option.

Tauno Voipio
tauno voipio @ iki fi


From: "Tauno Voipio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: CD-ROM questions.
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 13:27:20 GMT

"Yiu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I have use the "mount /dev/cdrom" to mount my CD-ROM drive. But how
> could I access the files? What should the correct mount command be and
> which location does the contents inside the CD locate?

There is a file /etc/fstab which tells where the CD is mounted (pretty
probably at /mnt/cdrom).

You can also get all current mounts with the mount command (man mount).

Tauno Voipio
tauno voipio @ iki fi


From: Don McKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.windows95
Subject: Re: How to restore LILO and how to boot from floppy
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 13:46:58 GMT

Installind win98 has rewritten your MBR (Master Boot Record).
Run the LILO config tool to restore your previous Boot Record.

As for theBIOS Password:

This DOS trick resets (deletes) your motherboard BIOS (CMOS) password,
to grant access to your computer and/or BIOS Setup once again, IF you
have forgotten or lost it. :)
Exit Windows or reboot to the native MS-DOS mode, using the "Command
prompt only" option from the Windows 9x Startup Menu (hold Shift and F5
at the same time while your PC boots).
At the C:\> prompt, type:


and hit Enter. You'll see a dash (-) at the DEBUG prompt. Now type:

o 70 2e

which will show as -o 70 2e at the DEBUG prompt. Hit Enter. Then type:

o 71 ff

and hit Enter. Finally type:


and hit Enter one last time, to quit DEBUG, back to the C:\> prompt.
Now you're ready to reboot your PC, and press the appropriate key or
key combo (look it up in your motherboard manual if you don't know it)
to access your BIOS Setup. You'll notice that the password is gone. :)"

NOTE: This works only with MS-DOS 6.00 - 6.22 and MS-DOS 7.xx [a.k.a.
MS Windows 9x].

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Michael Heiming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jianxin Wang wrote:
> > Hi, there, I have Linux Mandrak7.0 installed on my PC and I just
> > upgraded my windows95 to windows98. After upgrading, I can no longer
> > boot into linux,I can only boot windows98. I tried to boot from the
> > linux start up disk,but my PC ignores the floppy! The floppy drive
> > fine and the machine reads the floppy at start up, but it still boot
> > windows98! I guess maybe I should run a CMOS set up to check the
> > sequence of all my disk drives and make the floppy drive the first
> > to boot, but to my surprise, my computer asks me for a password like
> > this:"Please enter current password: ". I have never set a password
> > the CMOS set up therefore I am not able to run the CMOS set up.
> > I check the motherboard mannual for help. It says that I have to
> > the CMOS memory. I tried to look for a battery on the motherboard
but I
> > can not find anything that looks like a battery! Please help.
> >
> > Jason
> Hello,
> most times there is a small DIP interruptor or some kind of calliper
> your mobo, described in the
> doc that makes it possible to reset BIOS pwd, check your manual again
> (perhaps the online version)
> are you sure that the manual is really the right one for your mobo?
> Ask there were you bought the machine from, perhaps they put in a pwd
> know it.
> Good luck
> Michael Heiming


Sent via


From: Brian Goodyear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: bash history
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 09:05:56 -0500

H......bash seems to have just given up saving the history file.  According 
to  'set" HISTSIZE=500.

Is there something I'm missing.  As far as I know, nothing has changed.




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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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