Linux-Misc Digest #988, Volume #27               Wed, 30 May 01 22:13:01 EDT

  Re: How do I burn a bootable Linux CD? ("kyi")
  Apache question (Lamar Thomas)
  Re: The problem of a pager ("kyi")
  Re: Linux on a computer on a PCI card in a computer? ("kyi")
  Re: Desktop Environments ("kyi")
  Tv-out with voodoo3 3000 (Adam Byron Smith)
  Re: Why does Linux / OSS community love mailing lists and hate news servers? 
(Michael Sims)
  Re: Help I must uninstall linux mandrake (GreySoul)
  Re: Using TAR ("Herb Stein")
  Re: How do I burn a bootable Linux CD? ("David Emmett")
  Re: xWindow Server for Win/98 (Mike Hammock)
  Re: Please help me get WIN98 back!! ("twamn")
  Re: running X applications as root after /bin/su (3FE)
  Re: getservbyport() not working in redhat? (Juergen Heinzl)
  Re: Cron problem - what's this message mean? (ljb)
  Re: Cron problem - what's this message mean? (Juergen Heinzl)
  Re: Upgrading glibc (Juergen Heinzl)


From: "kyi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How do I burn a bootable Linux CD?
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 15:51:47 -0700

Hash: SHA1

Yes goto and do a search for xcdroast it does
both things you are interested in.

- -Jayson Garrell

Tony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I recently bought RedHat Linux 7.1 and I want to make a copy so
> that my  friend can play with it. But everytime I try to copy the
> CDs using Easy  Creator or Nero, it failed.
> First, I can copy the whole CD on my hard disk nut how can I make
> it into a  bootable CD?
> Second, Is there any CD burning software that can do a raw copy of
> the CDs?
> Tony.
> --
> Posted via CNET

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From: Lamar Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Apache question
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 22:55:51 GMT

I am running RH 7.1 and I have FTP and Apache web servers working.
However, after rebooting my Linux box no one can connect to my Apache
web server until I issue the following command:  # "service httpd

Anyone know how I can make Apache auto start after a reboot?  Thanks for
any and all help.



From: "kyi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: The problem of a pager
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 16:38:47 -0700

Hash: SHA1

Enlightenment will do what your are looking for. I am not sure about
dropping the window on the pager will make the window goto that
virtual desktop, but dragging the window to that side of the screen
or to the bottom for that matter will produce the same results.

- -Jayson Garrell

Collin E Borrlewyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:3b1529f7$0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Yesterday I got my Linux CD (Libranet 1.9.1, if anyone cares) in
> the mail and spent the rest of the day, as well as most of this
> morning, playing with it.
> When I finally get everything set up I'm going to move permanently
> away from windows. And so, I am frantic to get everything working,
> to make sure I can function well. My own problem is as follows: In
> Windows I've been using LiteStep for almost two years. (If you are
> not familiar with LiteStep, it is a shell replacement for windows,
> replacing explorer.exe). The keyboard shortcuts, LSXCommand
> settings, and look and feel can all be duplicated or done without
> in various ways in Linux. My trouble is the virtual window manager.
> The name is misleading, perhaps, but it serves (apparently) much
> the same function as a pager does in Linux. I have LiteStep set up
> to have a 64px wharf along the righthand side of the screen which
> contains a clock, a calculator, and more things of that sort, but
> mostly it contains my VWM. I have it configured for 4x4, 16
> desktops. The convenience is staggering. Managing windows is simple
> now. Had I never switched from Explorer, I'd be sending this
> message from KMail, Pine, or something, but having lived with the
> convenience of dragging and dropping maximized windows about an
> effective 4096x3072 screen I've become addicted. I can't go back.
> Even if I could, my productivity would drop some measurable (and
> unacceptable) amount.
> I've looked at the pagers that came with  the system. KPager works,
> but you can't move maximized windows around, and you can't have a
> grid of desktops (only a stack or a row) thus eating in on screen
> space. The little VWM-like thing that I see in AfterStep, which I'm
> lead to understand LiteStep was based on, doesn't appear to allow
> dragging and dropping at all. Those are all I can find on-system. A
> search of reveals many discussions about pagers,
> but few are ever mentioned by name, and most discussions do not
> touch on this particular topic.
> This brings me to my question, after more than enough preamble:
> Where can I find a Linux program that gives me comparable
> functionality to that of LiteStep's LSVWM.DLL or SYSVWM.DLL.
> Fear not, I shall be making a very similar enquiry (with a very
> different preamble) to the LiteStep mailing list, and in this
> fashion covering as many bases whose existence my poor brain can
> comprehend.
>  ~Collin E Borrlewyn

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From: "kyi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux on a computer on a PCI card in a computer?
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 16:48:21 -0700

Hash: SHA1 has a product called "The SunPCi IIpro". It is a
pci (64bit) based card w/ cpu, video, eth, sound, mem, etc, all on
the one card. Here is the acual url for it, I am not sure if it will
run on a PC but it does run w2k, on my Ultra 60, in a window or
fullscreen. Very nice card.

- -Jayson Garrell

David Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi,
> Are there any cpu-on-a-card solutions that can be used to run
> linux inside a PC that otherwise is running windows (where
> linux has its own IDE, ports etc), and sets itself up as a
> networked interface such that the windows computer thinks
> that it is networked to another computer?
> I know about software solutions that can be used to run windows
> inside linux, but I don't like the poor performance.
> I need to run both, but I'd rather not have two physical boxes.
> --
> Regards,
> -- Dave Campbell
>    PHONE AUS  07 3216 6015
>    PHONE INTL +61 7 3216 6015

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From: "kyi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Desktop Environments
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 16:56:28 -0700

Hash: SHA1

Redhat come with this neat little app called "switchdesk' you can
call it from a xterm or from the run command in the main menu. If it
is not there it will be on either the install cd or the powertools,
but I am pretty sure it is installed by default. With switchdesk it
will give you a small list of desktops just select the one you want
click ok then logout and back in again and you will be running
whatever you selected.

- -Jayson Garrell

Tyron Washington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I have a couple of questions about desktop environments and stuff
> (I'm using RedHat 7.0):
> [1] What is the relationship between GNOME and the desktop
> environments featured on (afterstep, blackbox,
> enlightenment, fvwm, gtk+, icewm, kde, litestep, sawfish & wm)? Or
> is GNOME just another desktop environment?
> [2] What is the difference between all the desktop environments
> described above? Is it simply that they draw and organize window
> and desktop elements differently?
> [3] I'm trying to install KDE 2.1.1 and I have downloaded all the
> binary RPMs (33 files in all) needed for install. I have no idea
> where to start for installation (can't find install notes
> anywhere). Is it a good idea to use the command statement, <rpm
> -Uvh --nodeps *.i386.rpm>, to install KDE 2.1.1? If so, is it okay
> to do this for all other programs I need to install with a lot of
> RPMs in the install directory?
> [4] I just installed some other desktop environments (afterstep,
> blackbox & icewm). How do I switch to use them? Is it suppose to be
> an option under the "Session" menu at the login screen? If so, I
> don't see them. What did I do wrong? (I installed icewm & blackbox
> with source code (tar.gz) and afterstep with binary RPM (i386.rpm))
> Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated.
> TIA,

Version: PGPfreeware 7.0.3 for non-commercial use <>



From: Adam Byron Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Tv-out with voodoo3 3000
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 00:05:29 +0000 (UTC)

Please someone point me towards some docs' about video out support under
linux for the voodoo3 3000. I have done much surfing and I can only seem
to find info on video-in, or capture cards. I want to be able to play
movies on my computer and send it out to my vcr. 


PS I'm running RH7.1


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Sims)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Why does Linux / OSS community love mailing lists and hate news servers?
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 00:02:10 GMT

On Wed, 30 May 2001 21:53:31 +0200, "Peter T. Breuer"

>Look at berolist for an example of at least a 2-way gateway.

Is there a website dedicated to berolist?  A web search for "berolist"
mainly turns up message group postings regarding errors with
berolist...just wondering where I could find some more information
about the software.  Thanks!
Michael Sims 
mhsims at midsouth dot rr dot com
"The beatings will continue until morale improves." 


From: GreySoul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help I must uninstall linux mandrake
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 17:29:27 -0700

On Wed, 30 May 2001 15:39:46 -0500, Dave Uhring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>GreySoul wrote:
>> On Wed, 30 May 2001 12:30:05 -0000, Gianky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>I have no win on my hd i have only linux i must cancel linux and linux
>>>partition, create a new partition (normal hd c:) i don't know how i can do
>>>to have a normal hd an how i can install win please HELP me replay to
>> Just use a DOS or Win 9x boot floppy that have the commands FDISK and
>> Fdisk the partition according to your needs, and then format.
>> Install Windows.
>> --
>> blase blah
>That doesn't work.  man fdisk

Of course it does.  Its worked fine for me in the past.  Why would you
"man fdisk" from a DOS/Windows boot floppy?  It will not recognize the
linux partition type but it will let you delete it.

blase blah


From: "Herb Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.admin,
Subject: Re: Using TAR
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 19:41:08 -0500

"David Douthitt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Filipp Sapienza wrote:
> >
> > Hello. I have a directory called /stuff with the following contents:
> >
> > myfile
> > otherfile
> > junk
> > happy
> > /one
> > /two
> > /gallery
> >
> > Is it possible to use tar to store everything except /gallery?
> > What is the syntax to do this?
> How about this?
> ls -1d * | grep -v gallery | xargs tar czvf mytar.tar.gz

Tar can do this by itself. Use:

tar cxvf mytar.tar.gz . --exclude gallery

Herb Stein
The Herb Stein Group
314 952-4601


From: "David Emmett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How do I burn a bootable Linux CD?
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 10:42:48 +1000

Use the Easy CD Creator CD copy option.  It duplicates or clones the CD.


"Tony" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I recently bought RedHat Linux 7.1 and I want to make a copy so that my
> friend can play with it. But everytime I try to copy the CDs using Easy
> Creator or Nero, it failed.
> First, I can copy the whole CD on my hard disk nut how can I make it into
> bootable CD?
> Second, Is there any CD burning software that can do a raw copy of the
> Tony.
> --
> Posted via CNET


Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 21:13:20 -0400
From: Mike Hammock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: xWindow Server for Win/98

I was hoping to find something cheaper, but when I tried the
evaluation copy of  Xmanager, I was sold...

Thanks for the recommendation


Rod Smith wrote:

> [Posted and mailed]
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>         Mike Hammock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I have a Linux and a SCO Unixware on the same lan as my Win/98
> > machine and I'd like to be able to access them (Linux/Unix) from the
> > Win machine via Xwindows.   Can anyone suggest a source for
> > a good (decent?) xWindow Server for Win/98 that is either free
> > or inexpensive??  I did some searches across the inet, but didn't
> > come up with anything.
> I've been very impressed by Xmanager
> (, which is $69 for a
> single license. (There's a demo version you can download to try it
> out.) If $69 is too much, check out Mi/X
> (, which is $25. (I've not
> used the latest version of Mi/X, but the older versions I have tried
> were very weak.) There's also a port of XFree86 to Windows underway
> ( I was unsuccessful in
> getting it working when I tried a couple of months ago, but you might
> have better luck or it may have become easier in that time.
> Another option is to use VNC (
> This runs a special X/VNC server on the Linux or Unix box, which
> communicates with a VNC client on the Windows box. (It can also go the
> other way, letting you use Windows remotely.) In my experience, it's
> usually slower than X on a LAN, and it's got more issues than do most X
> servers, but it's free, it's better than the weakest X servers, and it
> allows you to use Windows boxes remotely. I'm not sure offhand if
> there's a version for SCO.
> --
> Author of books on Linux & multi-OS configuration


From: "twamn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Please help me get WIN98 back!!
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 20:15:45 -0500

Here is what happened.

I had drive C with win NT 4 and a blank drive D.  I went to load Win 2K on
drive D which it did but it placed the boot record on drive C which I can
say was not what I was expecting.


"Glitch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> In article <jKWQ6.4379$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "twamn"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Take it from a person who has been there before.
> >
> > Next time unplug ALL drives except the one you want to install to.  I
> > went to upgrade my PC to Win2K and overlaid the boot section to my
> > existing OS (ouch).  Now every time I install a new OS I only have one
> > hard drive plus the CDrom drive connected to the mother board.
> >
> > I know this is to late for you but hopefully it will help others avoid
> > wiping out their main OS while doing a 'simple' dual boot upgrade.
> >
> i dont see what the trouble is.  I've never hosed my other OS when
> installing Linux.  I've installed lilo on a partition before instead of
> the MBR but that didnt mess anything up but the boot record of the
> Windows partition and a simple sys c: fixed the problem.
> > tom
> >
> > "Somphong K" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > news:9f0sna$a37$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> >> During this Memorial weekend, I installed Redhat 7.1 (Kernel 2.4.2-2)
> >> on my PC at home. Win98 is on IDE drive/A and Rh7.1 completely on IDE
> >> drive/B. I did not realize at the time that part of linux, such as
> >> /boot partition, had to be on drive/A to use LILO.
> >>
> driveA in Windows-speak is ur floppy drive
> >> During graphic installation,I was prompted where to put LILO i.e. in
> >> MBR or linux drive's boot partition. Unfortunately I decided to avoid
> >> fooling with MBR and opted for the later.
> >>
> fooling with it? u tell the installation program u want it there and it
> does it for u...what fooling around did u expect to have to do? edit the
> hex codes yourself?    REalizing whether u put it on the MBR for the boot
> record of the linux drive either way it is put in place w/o you having to
> do anything other than make some settings known to LILO so it can boot
> linux and your other OSes, etc.
> >> The lilo installation ended up with failure. Everything else went
> fine
> did u know it failed before u rebooted? if so, how? what errors did u
> receive?
> >> I created boot diskette. I then realized I was no longer able to boot
> >> Win98. Everybody in my household jumped on me!! My wife wanted to
> >> search webs about her stock investment, my kid wanted to play starcraft
> >> with his folks, ....
> >>
> >> I hoped to restore MBR by executing 'fdisk /MBR' under MSDOS but I was
> >> surprised to learn that all my Windows rescue and MSDOS diskettes
> >> failed to even boot. PC tried to boot from the floppies but hang after
> >> reading/ loading a few blocks.
> >>
> >> When I mounted on to /dev/hda1, I could see that all Win98 directories
> how did u do this if your PC cant boot floppies?  Saying its b/c you
> booted Linux instead doesn't fly since the OS has nothing to do with
> reading the floppy at boot time.
> >> and files were still intact. I just do not know why drive/A broke when
> driveA is the floppy


Subject: Re: running X applications as root after /bin/su
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 01:24:25 GMT

On Tue, 29 May 2001 03:45:34 GMT, 3FE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> insisted:
> On Mon, 28 May 2001 17:07:34 -0400, wroot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> insisted:
> > 
> > For some reason, I can't run X applications as root after doing /bin/su 
> For good reason.  If you need something, add yourself to its group

Oops.  Wrong answer.

Before you su, do xhost +localhost.  Then after you su, do export

Now root's X apps will appear on your user's X display.

Sorry for the confusion.  Read the question carefully ...

 Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
     TopQuark Software & Serv.  Contract programmer, server bum.
     [EMAIL PROTECTED]        Give up Spammers; I use procmail.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Juergen Heinzl)
Subject: Re: getservbyport() not working in redhat?
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 01:24:26 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, John Vanderpool wrote:
>i have a little piece of stub code here that won't work on
>RH 6.2 or 7.1 and works fine on hpux, irix and solaris;
>can somebody explain why it doesn't work on redhat? (it
>always returns a null ptr)
>i added the htonl() call as a last resort
Close but no cigar 8-) You *do* have to use network byte
order but use htons() ...
>      serventp = getservbyport( (int) htonl( (u_long)79 ), "tcp" );
serventp = getservbyport( htons( 79 ), "tcp" );
... and try again.

Hope it helps,

\ Real name     : Juergen Heinzl                \       no flames      /
 \ EMail Private : [EMAIL PROTECTED] \ send money instead /


Subject: Re: Cron problem - what's this message mean?
Date: 31 May 2001 01:30:30 GMT

>Running Redhat Linux 6.2  on i386, as a webserver with Apache PHP and
>Trying to deal with the problem of getting a cron event to trigger a php
>script. crontab has this:
>* * * * * lynx
>The idea is to get lynx to load the php page to trigger the script.
>Cron runs the event but reports
>Your terminal lacks the ability to cler the screen or position the
>And so lynx never gets around to loading the page. What do I need to do?

Use lynx -dump (and send the output somewhere, or it will be mailed to
you), or use wget instead of lynx; neither of these needs cursor controls
and they should work from cron.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Juergen Heinzl)
Subject: Re: Cron problem - what's this message mean?
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 01:43:28 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dan Donaldson wrote:
>Running Redhat Linux 6.2  on i386, as a webserver with Apache PHP and
>Trying to deal with the problem of getting a cron event to trigger a php
>script. crontab has this:
>* * * * * lynx
>The idea is to get lynx to load the php page to trigger the script.
>Cron runs the event but reports
>Your terminal lacks the ability to cler the screen or position the
Which terminal is cron supposed to have ? There you are ;)

>And so lynx never gets around to loading the page. What do I need to do?
I don't know lynx, but wget has an option -q(uiet) which causes it
to produce no output. Say ...
* * * * * wget -q
... could do the job. May be you can run lynx redirecting
its output to /dev/null if you're not having wget.

Hope it helps,

\ Real name     : Juergen Heinzl                \       no flames      /
 \ EMail Private : [EMAIL PROTECTED] \ send money instead /


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Juergen Heinzl)
Subject: Re: Upgrading glibc
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 01:43:29 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Mike Castle wrote:
>In article <3b147a8f$0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>Peet Grobler <peetgr at> wrote:
>>Question : All my apps are compiled using glibc version X. Now I'm upgrading
>>glibc to X+1. Will the apps still work? I will re-compile everything, but
>>for the moment I can't.
>Existing applications will work.
Most ... Sun's JDK seems to have problems with glibc-2.2.3. Using
IBM's version here ... no problems.

>Any applications you compile in the future (until you recompile X) may or
>may not work.
>Actually, same goes for any library.
>If a library was built against glibc X and you upgrade to glibc >X, then
>you should recompile all of your libraries.  They may or may not work
Hmmm ... usually they do since glibc has been having versioning support
for quite some time. Quite some of my shared libraries are > 2 years
old and I'm using glibc-2.2.3 at the moment.


\ Real name     : Juergen Heinzl                \       no flames      /
 \ EMail Private : [EMAIL PROTECTED] \ send money instead /



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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