Jason, here http://lists.ethernal.org/cantlug-0208/msg00606.html you
offered to talk on one of those subjects that interested you, what
happenned? maybe you felt you needed to be asked. HAving the dubious
honour of being on the meeting committee I'm gonna get you along for
some info about the stuff that interests you. I have become much more
interested in multimedia lately and I think many people would enjoy a
talk on some of the stuff you are interested in. Will you do it? I hope

 On Thu,
30 Jan 2003 17:01:46+1300 Jason Greenwood<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I wanted a LOT of things ;) But then I am a demanding chap, aren't I??
> No, but seriously, Nick, your (as I saw it), ahem, sometimes abrasive 
> and forthright nature frankly annoyed me. 

Geez and I thought we made up :-(

>I have since gotten to know 
> you better and though you still sometimes annoy me (as I surely do
> you), I have also come to respect and value your opinions, if not
> approach. I think you have a lot of knowlege and ability that many
> (myself included) on this list have benefited from. I got the
> impression that the bulk of people in the CLUG (based on discussion at
> the meetings) were quite happy with the way CLUG was being run and the
> topics being discussed. I was not. To recap my feelings and what I
> thought the CLUG should include more of, see the archives here:
> http://lists.ethernal.org/cantlug-0208/msg00575.html
> As such, it seemed CLUG in general was meeting most everyone's needs
> but mine. 

Actually getting speakers is hard! But you're gonna fill a spot I hope.
If we cannot get people to give informative, topical, interesting
"seminars" we are gonna have to abandon them.

I think one of the problems is that the people who have been seen as
movers and shakers on the meeting side have tended to be people who run
linux for business purposes on servers. (prime example: Chris H). They
have less knowledge/interest/whatever in the "desktop".

>Therefore, rather than try to encourage the inclusion of
> things few saw as important other than me, I chose to step back and
> allow those who enjoyed it as is, continue to enjoy it as is. If this
> has changed in recent times (meaning since I stopped attending
> meetings etc.), please let me know and I will reconsider my
> involvement.

Man you should have been there and stood for the committee - do we have
power to co-opt another member?

> Regards,
> Jason Greenwood
> Nick Rout wrote:
> >Not wanting to go over old ground here Jason, but IIRC you wanted
> >more talks on gui type software, which quickly degenerated  into a
> >CLI/GUI flamewar oops I mean discussion.
> >
> >I think someone may have suggested that you organise or conduct talks
> >on the areas that interested you, if that has resulted in you "voting
> >with your feet" then i think thats a shame. Maybe I have it wrong and
> >there were some other issues i wasn't aware of.
> >
> >I hope you'll take part some more Jason, particularly as there is
> >another installfest coming up. You have made a good contribution to
> >the"group" and I hope it can continue.
> >
> >
> >Nick
> >
> >On Thu, 30 Jan 2003 16:33:22 +1300
> >Jason Greenwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >  
> >
> >>I will not bore the list as I am reasonably sure I have made it
> >quite >clear what I would like the CLUG to do differently. IMHO,
> >these concerns >have fallen on more than deaf ears, they have fallen
> >on vehemently >contrary ears. That is totally fine, I guess I was
> >outnumbered. As I >said, I am not trying to change the CLUG anymore,
> >I chose to vote with >my feet instead. I still wish the CLUG the very
> >best but it doesn't meet >my needs. I have therefore limited my
> >involvement to the occasional >participation on list.
> >>
> >>Nick Rout wrote:
> >>
> >>    
> >>
> >>>If you were the committee of one, what would you change?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>On Thu, 30 Jan 2003 16:01:35 +1300
> >>>Jason Greenwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>>      
> >>>
> >>>>One problem with your little hypothesis/statement. It leaves no
> >room for >>>change/progression/evolution. All things change in time,
> >that is the way >>>of life.
> >>>>
> >>>>Jason Greenwood
> >>>>   
> >>>>
> >>>>        
> >>>>
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>>      
> >>>
> >
> >
> >  
> >

Nick Rout
Barrister & Solicitor
Christchurch, NZ
Ph +64 3 3798966
Fax + 64 3 3798853

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