Herb DeLong wrote:
> Thank you all for your help. I guess I'll stop trying to install 2.4.

If your requirements are word processing and internet, then eDesk 2.4 is
perfect for you.
I have Applix 5.0, Star Office 6.0, and of course, Word Perfect 8.1
available for my needs

If you need USB e.g. for a scanner, then you would be better off with a
more contemporary distro.

I happened to be on my Libranet 2 install when your post arrived.  This
is a really nice up-to-date distro (2.4.18 kernel, KDE 2.2.2) but for
running my various word processors and NS 4.79/NS 6.2.2 I prefer eDesk
2.4 because everything runs faster under KDE 1.2.
Leon A. Goldstein

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