Well, I don't blame politicians. I always blame the voters. And, I wonder
what kind of person really goes into politics. Even the best politician
can't really be too honest or too bright.  And, then, they have to pass
through a very narrow screening process courtesy of the extreme wings of
their parties. So, I really am surprised that the politicians are
a lot worse than they are, given how they are chosen.

A good example of a large group of uninformed but noisy and well meaning
people is Greenpeace. I read the Greenpeace bulletin board (my nom
de guerre there is Tecumseh, pardon my French. They were shocked when
I told them I admired William Tecumseh Sherman). They really are the
most uniformed but most highly opinionated group of people I have yet
corresponded with. For example, they fervently think that wind power is
going to be a major supplier of energy.  They think that good intentions
backed up by strong feelings somehow make for a persuasive argument
or is the foundation for good energy and foreign policy. Unfortunately,
so do many of our politicians.

I came onto the thread late. Let me just add my 2 cents on the failed Iraqi
inspection policy by the UN:   

If you wonder why we had to invade Iraq instead of relying on Hans Blix to
find those weapons, consider these facts:
1. Antarctica is getting colder.
2. Greenland is getting colder.
3. The USA weather stations show no temperature increase.
4. Global satellite temperature data shows no temperature increase. This
agrees with data from weather balloons.
5. Hans Blix was recently quoted as saying that global warming is a
worse threat than weapons of mass destruction.
You can draw your own conclusions. That is something that many people simply
cannot do.


> I am absolutely certain that there is some kind of screening process for 
> politicians to ensure they only have negative IQ's.
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