Eric Weisberg a écrit:

> I agree that there must be a presumption against any impediment to
> participation and I really appreciate your concern in this
> regard.  However, isn't that unnecessary in this organization on
> the following grounds--ICANN's particular and limited purposes

We don't yet know what ICANN's purpose is. That will only be apparent as
hindsight, after it has existed for a few years.

> unnecessarily increased problems of  administration 

Increased, assuredly. Unnecessarily, depends on what the goal is. And if the
right fee structure is implemented, the administration will be payed for
from the dues and contributions.

> and assuring
> integrity of the electoral results?

A thorny question, but one that shouldn't depend on the size of the

> If there are only 1,000 people in the world who really want to
> participate in these
> decisions, why register 5,000,000 who do not?  

How can you possibly know how many people in the world want to participate
until you've apprised them of it and given them the chance?

> It is easier to
> administer an
> origination with 1,000 members than with 100,000.  You can send
> out paper ballots at
> a low cost, if that level of security is desired.  It is easier to
> prevent fraud in a 1,000 member organization.  And, it is easier
> to detect and react to manipulations of the electorate (i.e.
> organized large "turnouts" of registered but actually
> disinterested voters voting a straight ticket).

All probably true. But these are the same problems that arise in any
membership organization of a large size. Ways and means of dealing with them
are being discussed. They're not impossible to solve. And there won't be
five million active members. Not a high percentage will want to 
take part. But that's no reason for not giving them the chance, and for not
collecting dues from them.

> Thus, as long as ICANN is limited to its current purposes


> is
> truly open to all who actually want to participate 

No way of knowing until they're asked.

> and there are
> no or only minor impediments to participation

Lack of access to knowledge is an impediment. I suggest that be corrected by
sending every DN registrant a little information.

> I would not
> automatically enlist the entire world as members.  

Not until they register for a domain name :)

> I would require
> "self-selection" for ICANN membership rather than automatic
> inscription.
There will be self-selection. But it must be done fairly, from among all
those who might have an interest, by letting them know it exists.

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