> I am not sure you fully understand Russ. DOS was just one example, but he sees
> possibility of Rebol becoming also language sutied well for various microCPU,
> microcontroller usagaes, which are often programmed in Basic or Assembler. It
> would not require OS! It would not require TCP/IP. I think I know what he does

But this is a different story. You are not talking about porting
the current REBOL to a new platform, you are asking for a custom
REBOL for some custom hardware. Asking for a port to MSDOS is one
thing, asking for a complete REBOL microcomputer/controller is
another. :-)

o--------------------) .-^-. (----------------------------------o
| Gabriele Santilli / /_/_\_\ \ Amiga Group Italia --- L'Aquila |
| GIESSE on IRC     \ \-\_/-/ /  http://www.amyresource.it/AGI/ |
o--------------------) `-v-' (----------------------------------o

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