On 1/12/07, Patrick H. Lauke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Something like "..." screan reader reads it "dotdotdot"... that is
> anoying. "This is the start of shorten news text and it ends with
> It is something that is also a part usability issue, while it anoyes
> while listening...

But the thing is: it may annoy you, but does it annoy actual blind users
of the software, or is it just something that they're not even hearing
anymore because they're used to it and it's just part of their daily
experience? From the handful of blind screenreader users I've conversed
with in the past few years, this sort of thing is not something they've
ever mentioned to me as an annoyance.

In this specific example, "dot dot dot" is - both in written form, and
when spelled out - a convention to mark an omission. Also, it will
depend on the screenreader's specific verbosity settings, in many cases,
whether this is read out or simply replaced with an appropriately long
pause of silence.

In general terms, what I'm trying to convey here is: it's easy to pick
up a screenreader as a sighted user, do some testing, and come to some
conclusions, all with the right intentions of course, like "oh, this
must be annoying for those users"...but, not being a blind user who uses
that technology day in, day out, it's also possible to draw some
erroneous conclusions, or to seek absolute, black and white maxims
("this should never be done") where there are really just opinions,
personal preferences, and lots of shades of gray.

Hm... you're right here. Maybe I am jumping with conclusions... The good
thing is that we can talk about that, so I (and people like me) can change
my opinion or false belief...

The problem is, there is not much accent on usability and accesability in
our country, most of webdevelopers are thinking like "It only matters that
the application or website functions as I want..." So thank you WSG for this
list, where we can share knowledge and get some, so we can pass it to
others... :)

If we only had a legal obligations like some other countries :( but we


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