On 2/5/07, Andrew Ingram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've found myself wondering just what semantic meaning the <hr> tag adds
to a document.  The typical usage is when you want to separate sections
of a page.  The thing is that a <hN> tag indicates a new section too.
Another issue is that we generally seem to put them in our markup then
hide them using display: none which makes them invisible to screen
readers anyway.  Is anyone actually gaining any benefit from the <hr>
tag other than people who browse with styles disabled?

I think <hr> doesn't possess much for semantics. I never use them at
all. I know new ideas have been proposed for future versions of
(x)HTML, and one example would be XHTML 2 which has <section>s to
separate parts of a page. That offers a lot more for semantics than
just having <hr>s strewn about.

Christian Montoya
christianmontoya.net .. designtocss.com

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