Rob, I see where you're coming from - although it becomes easy at times like these to mythicise (why isn't that a word?) the benefit of having a document that requires no intelligent analysis.

What I believe you're getting at... Is that 'horizontal rule' in itself does not 'mean' anything - it is off-putting because it is a tag whose name signifies a visual symbol which signifies an abstract value. Far better for all of us, I think, to have this replaced by the term 'separator' - which could be styled to appear as a horizontal rule if such is required of the medium the document is rendered in.

The <br> element is slightly more complex, because 'break' is a more useful term. As it happens, the only application of a <br> is to separate objects with a line-break - which is made redundant because it is possible to customize just such an effect with the natural separation of the two elements it divides. If <br> could be styled, I would far prefer to use that then an <hr>.

But we're all agreed, I hope, that having an element achieve this effect is much desired (even if it might be difficult for a machine to quickly interpret its value) - after all, it's long been in semantic use in human literature pre-ML. I think we're also all agreed that <separation> is a better name for such a thing.


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