-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Stevens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Greg are you trolling? If so let me play ;)

>> the only thing that gives potential for the marketing of a language
is the
>> projects that are achieved using it and java has a hell of a lot
more cool
>> projects than perl

>What are these mysterious cool java projects that no-one's been
>me about?

Fortay's a good example. A Java IDE written in Java, and under Linux
it's pretty quick even on 64 MB ram.

IBM developerworks and Alphaworks have tftp and dhcp servers in Java.
I wouldn't run them though :)

>I think the best thing people can do for the language is create good
>and modules and whatever using it.

I agree but I also think that this is one of the problems, the only
people who see the modules are other perl coders. I'm not saying that
modules are a bad thing or a waste of effort, I'd hate to think about
writing the code for half of the modules I use on a regular basis but
the only people who really understand and use them are perl coders,
people who know that perl is good. I think Greg means making something
a little more visible, How many netusers see the powered by python
logo on mailman each day? Whats our answer to that? Slashcode?

Plying devils advocate is fun.
Profanity is the one language all programmers understand.
   ---  Anon

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