Robin Szemeti [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*>But what you say above proves my point dunnit ... these guys are nobel
*>laureates and they enjoy a challenge.. out there in the real world a
*>large percentage of the population finds adding up the money for the bus a
*>challenge ... the pasics of CGI are rocket science for most people.

Well, this particular one was 65 years old, a consultant to world leaders
in Economic affairs and was completely baffled by the advent of a new
laptop. He had better things to worry about than learning something as
trivial and insignificant to life on the planet earth than CGI. Almost
anyone other than Webheads have better things to do than learn CGI. It
doesn't make them stupid, in fact, I'd almost argue that they are the
bright ones.

*>'regex' so ... oh I dunno .. yes its crap perl, yes its not a great work
*>on CGI .. but it probably achieves what it set out to do, give basic
*>knowledge to someone who only wnats to spend two lunchtimes on a bit of
*>CGI for their home page.

Which is probably about 95% of the planet. Why should they care if the
Perl is shoddy? The web page works :) I went hunting for a quickie DBI/CGI
tutorial/template/code I could steal last December and I can pretty much
vouch for there being zip in that category out there on the web for the
new and the lazy to take and learn from. It's disappointing.

*>I dunno .. I guess there is the 'type this in like this' level and there
*>is the full blown 'buy a copy of Programming Perl' approach I dont see
*>much middle ground. 

It's hard to write such a book.


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