On Wed, Apr 25, 2001 at 09:02:16AM +0100, Robert Shiels wrote:
> How did contractors here come up with the names for their companies

Your main choice is between sounding "established", "professional" or

"Established" companies contain merely names, and give no indication of what
they do: "Shiels and Company". 
(Examples from real life: "Ede and Ravenscroft", "Coutts".)

"Professional" companies possibly contain a name and give *some* indication of
what they do: "Robert Shiels Consulting", "Shiels IT Services".
(Examples: "Merchant Ivory Productions", "Barclay's Bank".)

"Informal" companies contain one or two words which *hint* at what they do,
and no names (and are much harder to come up with. :) : "The SAP Workshop"
(Examples: "Microsoft", "NetThink".)

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