On Tue, 05 Jun 2001, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:
> Robin Szemeti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > hmm .. we're trying to justify a move to 5gb a month .. at which point
> > Nildram sounds like a cheaper option. ... is Aylesbury nice?
> There's some nice villages outside... ;-)
> Question - how much data you got?

dunno .. never counted it :) ... probably no more than a couple of giggle
bites in the /home tree .. and a 50 megs in mysql I guess. there are
quite a lot of small sites on there ... 

tar.gzedded it comes to about 700 megs .. pour quoi?

> Can you rsync to your local network?

yeah .. thats what we do with some of the sites ...  the rest are left
for their owners to update in the normal ftp sorta way.

Robin Szemeti                       
Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

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