On 23/10/2019 11:50, Forster Arnaud, Gymnase francais wrote:

> Now, when I'm trying to do the same using the LSC tool I get the following 
> error :
> /oct. 23 11:06:56 - ERROR - Error while adding entry 
> mail=firs.l...@gbsl.ch,ou=GFBienne,ou=Users,ou=Accounts,dc=gfbienne,dc=lan in 
> directory :javax.naming.directory.SchemaViolationException: [LDAP: error code 
> 65 - no objectClass attribute]; remaining name 
> 'mail=first.l...@gbsl.ch,ou=GFBienne,ou=Users,ou=Accounts'//


LSC did not provide any objectClass attributes when trying to create a new 
entry, but objectClass is a mandatory attribute in OpenLDAP.

Make sure you have declared a dataSet containing the objectClass attributes you 
want to set upon creation, something like this :


Soisik Froger | Software Architect


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