
On 28/02/2020 10:51, Forster Arnaud, Gymnase francais wrote:
> I'm synchronizing my ldap for my school with an export from the AD of a 
> bigger organisation.
> I can add, modify and delete users in my LDAP server ; so everything's 
> fine. The only thing I need to modify is the cleaning process. For now, 
> my task deletes all users from my LDAP server that are not in my 
> database. The only problem with that is that I've users in my LDAP 
> server who don't come from the export of the AD and I dont want them to 
> be removed.
> the difference between the users of the AD export and the other ones is 
> the value of the attribute "sambaDomainName" . So, is it possible, 
> during the cleaning process to tell my task not to delete the entries 
> which have a defined value in the attribute "sambaDomaineName" ?

You can adapt the getAllFilter value of your destination task so that LSC 
filters out entries that should not be considered for cleaning: For example 
"(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(sambaDomainName=*))" will returns users that 
have this attribute set and not the users that do not have that attribute set. 
Then for each one LSC will execute the cleanFilter of source task to find a 
matching entry in source, and will delete entry in destination if no match was 
found in source.

Alternatively, in delete condition you can check the value of this attribute 
and return true only if entry should be deleted;
Soisik Froger | Software Architect


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