Alfredo Braunstein wrote:
Abdelrazak Younes wrote:

I am not sure that registering every single DocIterator would be any
more efficient that my signal/slot solution. At the end you will have to
go through a table.

Small remark: note that not all DocIterators need to be stable (mainly
cursors, maybe also bookmarks & error marks), one could have a class
derived from DocIterator for that purpose.

I agree but it's more work than my signal based solution which is assured to work in all cases. I tell you what, in order to save the bits Andre is worried about I am going to remove the signal from Inset and transfer them to InsetText and InsetMathHull. In 1.6, we can think of this other solution. But really, my solution is cheap in terms of CPU and it will be cheaper in terms of memory when I do the change described above.


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