>>>>> "Abdelrazak" == Abdelrazak Younes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Abdelrazak> No, and that is the purpose of the new method
Abdelrazak> DocIterator::FixIfBroken(). This will first validate the
Abdelrazak> validity of the CursorSlice (thus the existence of the
Abdelrazak> insets) then the validity of the text index, then the one
Abdelrazak> of the cursor row, then the position in this row.

But of course, this is not the correct solution, since the user will
find that the cursor moves in weird places. Example:

window 1:         windows 2:

|abcd             abcd
efgh              ef|gh
ijkl              ijkl

If you delete the first paragraph in window 1, the cursor will be
between j and k in window 2. This means that after any non trivial
editing in window 1, the cursor is at some random place of window 2.


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