>> I don't agree that every program should inherit the system-wide colors. 
Every program has its own
>> purpose and thus needs different ergonomics settings.
> I agree that some programs require that, but the point where we disagree is 
that LyX is so
> `special'.

I don't see that LyX is so special. It uses its own colors like nearly every program I have installed on my Windows.

>>> I cannot remember any complaint about this.
>> There have been some on lyx-devel.
> I must have missed them. Do you have a pointer?
> Sorry, I did not keep them in my mail and I do not know how to google
> for that. It was not complaints by users, rather discussions between
> developers (but who?)

That is my point. We should only change the UI sigificantly when there are very good reasons or when several users complain. I have not yet found a single user ciompliant about our colors in lyx-users list by searching mail-archive.com. Today I made a short survey what our students are using. Except of one, they use the default LyX colors and did not have ideas to improve the color scheme. The exception is one student that changed the background color to a "dirty" green (sic!).

So I'm still not happy that the option "using system colors" is now the default. Many developers are currently in vacation - let's see what they think about this.

>> Not having the text color as color for inset frames has for example the 
advantage that the user
>> can distinguish between things that are only shown in LyX and those that are 
also in the output.
>> The current color scheme was originally designed to use black for things 
that appear by default
>> black in the output. Things that won't appear in the output have a different 
color than the text
>> color.
> OK, very good point, I missed that. What about having the inset button 
foreground color be also
> the frame color, then? We have 5 different frame colors, and I am not sure 

I don't understand. All collapsible insets have the reddish brown color as frame color. What is wrong with that? But I fully agree that the caption frame should by default have the same color than the collapsible inset frames. OK that I change this accordingly?

What else do you think we should change?

regards Uwe

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