>>>>> "Matěj" == Matěj Cepl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Matěj> Fortunately ispell is able and willing to work correctly with
Matěj> all this mess (which is really great, taking into account that
Matěj> it is really better than many commercial wordprocessors).
Matěj> However, sometime it asks for confirmation, whether it created
Matěj> composition correctly (see the second attached screenshot of
Matěj> Emacs working on ispell-buffer). Unfortunately, LyX is not able
Matěj> to catch this, so that it offers only the non-sensical
Matěj> proposals (see again first screenshot -- neither of them make
Matěj> any sense in Czech).

LyX should also catch this. This issue also appears with the french
dictionary whith words like "l'injustice" (so, you see, we share the
same problems). I did not notice that before, in fact. 

Supporting this would probably require a small bit of work. 

Matěj> Another, much less important, issue is the impossibility to
Matěj> skip all-capital words and a possibility to include word in a
Matěj> personal dictionary lower-case. Both would be nice to have.



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