On 2.12.2014 21:32, STF wrote:
> On 2 December 2014 at 08:56, aparsloe <apars...@clear.net.nz
> <mailto:apars...@clear.net.nz>> wrote:
>     On 2/12/2014 6:36 p.m., Liviu Andronic wrote:
>         On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 5:20 AM, Ashok <adharesh...@hotmail.com
>         <mailto:adharesh...@hotmail.com>> wrote:
>             I currently have Acrobat Pro 11. It's very unwieldy. The
>             first time I view
>             a document, it's fine, but then it gets stuck. Even exiting
>             Acrobat
>             doesn't help. I have to exit Lyx and get back!
>         I like sticking to Evince when forced to use Windows: it's slim,
>         quick, and makes sense for viewing PDF files. It also auto-loads
>         updated files gracefully, unlike Acrobat.
>         https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/__Evince/Downloads
>         <https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Evince/Downloads>
>         Liviu
>             Is there a simpler alternative? And how to tell Lyx not to
>             use Acrobat
>             pro? (I have Acrobat Pro "associated" as the default pdf
>             viewer on my
>             Windows system; that's how I would like to continue for
>             non-Lyx uses.)
>             TIA.
>     I'm on Windows 7. Until earlier this year I used Adobe Reader, but
>     over the years it has got more and more ponderous and LyX interacts
>     with it somewhat clunkily. I've since installed Sumatra. It's much
>     smaller and more responsive and I'm pleased with how it interacts
>     with LyX. But for things like printing a pdf Adobe Reader has
>     additional options (e.g. printing in reverse order) so I keep it on
>     disk.
>     If you want Adobe Pro to be your default Windows pdf viewer and yet
>     have Sumatra (or Evince or whatever) as your LyX pdf viewer, you
>     need to go to Tools > Preferences > File Handling > File Formats and
>     under the format PDF (pdflatex) go down to the Viewer: slot (where
>     it may show pdfview) and choose Custom and in the right-hand slot
>     enter e.g. SumatraPDF, then click Apply. Now in the larger window on
>     the left select Paths. Second slot from the bottom on the right is
>     PATH prefix. At the end of whatever is already there add (e.g.)
>     ;C:\Program Files (x86)\SumatraPDF
>     (note the semicolon) or whatever the path is to the directory
>     holding the .exe file of your chosen LyX pdf viewer. Now click Save.
>     Andrew
> I also left Adobe Reader/Acrobat.  Not only because they have become
> bloatware, but also because they have become badware and arrogantware.
> Here's the long story:
> I had several PDF files which could not be opened inside Adobe Reader
> (saying that the PDF files are corrupted -- which is totally
> incorrect).  I wrote to Adobe forum asking what to do.  Guess what. 
> Someone (probably working for Adobe) replied (and argued) to me that
> Adobe Reader is compliant to ISO something, blah blah blah.  So proud,
> so arrogant!
> But you know what.  When I tried to open the same files inside Google
> drive's integrated PDF viewer, Microsoft's One Drive integrated viewer,
> Win8 native PDF viewer, and A LOT A LOT other PDF readers, NONE of them
> has this "corrupted file" problem.
> I've got enough of Adobe's attitude.  So I left it.  I'm also using
> SumatraPDF which is working fine for me.

SumatraPDF get my vote, too.  It's a no-nonsense, lightweight program...
quite rare these days when looks seem to be more important than

 - JMe

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