On Thu, 8 Feb 2018, Rich Shepard wrote:

 I've checked each journal title field for unprintable characters and
re-written them but nothing makes a difference.

  Allow me to re-interate the problem. JabRef's bibtex entry for one of the
(now 2) problem references is:

  author       = {Helsel, D.R.},
  title        = {Fabricating data: How substituting values for nondetects can 
ruin results, and what can be done about it},
  journaltitle = {Chemosphere},
  year         = {2006},
  volume       = {65},
  pages        = {2434--2439},

Regardless of the term 'journaltitle' or 'journal' the name is there within
brackets. What I'm trying to understand is why it's not shown in the lyx
document. Is this lyx or jabref? Again, this is the first time I've
encountered this issue and I've used these citations before with no

  JabRef is set to use ~/.lyx/lyxpipe and these exist as:

$ ll lyxpipe*
-rw-r--r-- 1 rshepard users 0 Sep 25  2013 lyxpipe
prw------- 1 rshepard users 0 Feb  8 07:47 lyxpipe.in|
prw------- 1 rshepard users 0 Feb  8 07:47 lyxpipe.out|

  All the other citations produce references with journal titles and I've
re-written these two multiple times. I'm frustrated that nothing seems amiss
yet I cannot fix this problem.


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